From In, To Out.


How exactly do i put plants that i have been vegging indoors, outdoors without having them flower early? I live in southern california so the sun currently rises at 6:34 am and sets at 7:11 pm. my lights currently turn on at 6:00 am and turn off at 12:00 pm. 18 on 6 off.

can i just throw them outside now and have no problems or do i have to match up the timing on my lights with the natural lighting outdoors right now? I know people that have put plants outside this season and they went into flower right away, finished already actually. can this be because they put them outdoors too early in the season?

thanks a lot for any shared knowlege guys!!

joliet jake

Active Member
Whats your plan if you bring them outside now to veg then when they need to flower are you going to bring them back inside?


Well-Known Member
The days are still getting longer now, so basically you should be worried about hermie. IMHO, growing indoors and out which I have been doing now for almost 5 years, hermie is going to be your biggest problem. You are cutting them back on their light schedule which will send them the signal to flower. Then they notice "hey the days are getting longer" wtf I guess I should make seeds since I don't know what is going.
I bring mine inside at night while in veg and until June 21 when the days start to get shorter move my flowering girls inside at a set time also everyday. This is a true pain in the ass at times but allows for the best of both worlds.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
imo i would wait another month or more untill ya got 14+ hours of daylight.while you wait you should keep em on 18/6 but start moving them closer to sunrise for your lights on time or just wait till sunrise is 6am in your area and they will be ready.if they are really young now like 2 weeks from seed they would probably be fine to go out in a week or two but if they have already started to push hairs i would