Freezing leafs


Well-Known Member
Yes No? Cause i have alot of leaf's with good amounts of resin on em. Will freezing decrease potency?



Well i can't right now. But until then freeze?

from what i understand, yes. i have heard of several people that do this b/c they dont have enough trimmings from one harvest to make a decent amount of hash. i doubt you can store it frozen for years, but i dont think it is bad in the shorterm


Active Member
well idk about on a longer term thing, but i keep all my trimmings in gallon zip lock baggies, just cause idk, mostly so when i throw them out i throw them all out at once, plus eventually ill be making hash when i get more leaves
anyways what i was sayin is, that the leaves in the baggies seemed to stay wet or not crumbly just by keeping them in an air tight bag so that the moisture couldnt escape, but im sure dark would be good too being at thc degrades in light