free seed's

cheef tomahawk

Well-Known Member
:weed:was just wondering if any bodys had any luck with the quality of free seeds that come withe your order? i got 10 white widow seeds and five free ones dont no what they are its a girl tall, buds close to the main stem ?:fire:


Well-Known Member
Hey dude, sorry not a chance without a picture.. As im sure u kno there are over 800 different strains around..


Well-Known Member
:weed:was just wondering if any bodys had any luck with the quality of free seeds that come withe your order? i got 10 white widow seeds and five free ones dont no what they are its a girl tall, buds close to the main stem ?:fire:
Sounds like the free thai seeds people have been getting. Which seedbank was it?

cheef tomahawk

Well-Known Member
planet wax what is that! I like the afgani :)
i dont no i randomly went to www . or someshit like that picked a company did some reviews nothing bad said so i went for it they e mailed me and said for legal purposes the package would be from planet wax any body no the seller of these seeds