Free Fertilizer!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey theres an add in a newspaper not far from my house, for free composted horse manure. The guy has tons of it. Just wondering what nutrients does horse manure contain? heard good things about bat gauno and everything, anyone have any experience with composted horse manure?


Well-Known Member
Alright so I have all this horse manure... now... what to do with it. Im not goign to use it with my current grow, becuase its already flowering, and I dont think it would be a suitable organic fert. But I have a 7 inch, health seedling, with about 10 leafs on it right now, that Im goign to transplant by my other plants. My question is.... I am going to buy a bag of soilless soil, and I have some perlite, and ill get some vercumlite, or however u spell that. Now should I mix the horse manure into the soil? if so how much? also could horse manure burn my plant? My other theory was, just mix the soilless soil with perlie and verculite, and then just put the horsemanure on top, and then water. add more manure to the top as needed. What do you guys think??
Thanks for any help : )


Active Member
If it's composted it shouldn't burn your plants. I've heard of people growing other types of plants in pure composted manure but, I don't know how cannibis will react. An outdoor grow would likely be less susceptible to overfeeding. I would dang sure test it first though, perhaps make a weak tea with it and water with it, gradually increasing the dosage until you notice any leaf burn.

Good Luck :)


New Member
i just dont like the idea of playing with shit. mixing it around, having it squeeze between your fingers like mud between your toes. and plus the smell. eww


Well-Known Member
Yeah but this is horse shit, it smels very plesant, I wouldnt pout it on top of the soil, that tea seems like good idea, I'm getting my self some rabbits!


Well-Known Member
Any animal that is outside (chickens, dogs, cats, horses, goats, whatever) has to be wormed. If not worms come out in their poop. Yes I worm my chickens. Okay laugh it up Mogie has chickens.


Active Member
Cool, so you make chicken-shit weed?:spew:JK, your worries about worms is something for sure though.

I've heard that using the feces of animals that eat meat (dogs, cats, humans, etc.) imparts too much nitrogen into the soil causing burns. But, using strictly herbivore feces adds lower amounts of nitrogen.

I'm wondering if anyone has tried adding earthworms to their potted plants? They break down organic matter and produce castings that plants apparently love!


Well-Known Member
lol mogie you make me laugh girl : )

Its cool, we will still talk to you, even if you have chickens..
So if they are not wormed, then will that be a bad thing? Or a good thing? What kind of worms are we talking about, heartworms or earthworms?

Nugnoggin I also wants to know if throwing some worms in my soil would help them out. I know they produce castings, but are their any bad sides of doing this?

Also, what if I went to the store, bought a cup of night crawlers, then mixed the dirt that comes in there into my soil? With 40 night crawlers in a little cup, has to be quite a bit of worm castings in there huh?


Active Member


Well-Known Member
Alright I read both of those articles, got a bit of information from them. But I still havent read about anyone adding worms directly into their plants soil. Has anyone tried this?