freddiemoney's Ontario Outdoor '10

sargent mowinstein

Well-Known Member
southern ontario man me to! looking like a nice grow, the rains be awseome eh? very good for rain this year i love it, it takes 1.5 hours to water all mine buy hand so im loving it. i had spider problems also, buy Neem Oil. You folar spray it on, its sappoused to be a benfical oil that kills bugs and fertilizes the plant. are you fertilizing your plants with anything?

check mine out bud
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Well-Known Member
southern ontario man me to! looking like a nice grow, the rains be awseome eh? very good for rain this year i love it, it takes 1.5 hours to water all mine buy hand so im loving it. i had spider problems also, buy Neem Oil. You folar spray it on, its sappoused to be a benfical oil that kills bugs and fertilizes the plant. are you fertilizing your plants with anything?

check mine out bud
View attachment 1132014
Looking good man! Looks like you're coming right along in flower, a solid week or two ahead of me. The weather's been pretty great so far this year, hardly had to water at all until the past few weeks. I don't know about where you are, but I kept getting nice night time showers, followed by a solid day or two of sun. Perfect combo for veg. I'm just gonna leave the spiders on there, they haven't done any damage and I kind of like watching them grow. They've already shed their exoskeletons once, I wanna see how big they get before leaving the nest. :bigjoint:

The plants started out on Miracle Gro 24-8-16, then went to Plant-Prod 20-20-20 about 3 weeks ago. I'm finishing them off with a gallon of Sensi Bloom that was just sitting on the shelf in the basement. I'm done with hydro nutes in soil inside, so I'll just feed them to the outdoor plants. They like most anything they get! They've also had a couple doses of epsom salts since the first two fertilizers are lacking Mg. The Plant-Prod 20-20-20 fertilizer has almost identical specs to Jack's Classic, which a lot of people seem to love and it's available all over the place here in Canada: Canadian Tire, Wal-Mart, Home Hardware, Rona...

Happy countdown to harvest season!


Well-Known Member
what were signs that made you want to add a couple doses of epsom salts? hows it work?
On one of my plants the bottom leaves started going pale with dark veins and brown tips that were pointing upwards. I also knew from the fertilizer label that it had no Mg and counted on you either getting it from your soil or tap water.

You can get it at Wal-Mart, grocery store, drug store, cheap as hell. Add a couple teaspoons per gallon when you water. I'm pretty sure it's nothing more than Magnesium and Sulfur. (Magnesium Sulfate) A lot of soil fertilizers tend to be short in both of those elements.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Lookin real good, too bad its been cold and raining the last 2 weeks here in southern Ontario. Good luck

sargent mowinstein

Well-Known Member
hey man, plants looking good. Our buds look pretty similar. i was planning on harvesting my main colas this friday, but after seeing your buds n ur waiting what another 2-3 weeks probaly? maby i should wait a lil bit more to...

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Very nice freddie mine are starting to look more like yours, mine are a bit behind yours though, not as thick and I cant see too many single points coming out of the very tops of the buds.

I wish I had as much time as you though, hard frost is suppose to be hitting this week, but the greenhouse should protect her.

My friend has also been pulling the northern lights plants becuase of mold issues, he showed me some nasty mold on one of the buds yesterday, we've been having so much rain, its raining today too and suppose to all this week. Hope you dont get mold issues.


Well-Known Member
The weather's been a little off, but there 's supposed to be some decent stuff coming in. Hopefully that'll help a lot. Thanks for the luck!


Well-Known Member
hey man, plants looking good. Our buds look pretty similar. i was planning on harvesting my main colas this friday, but after seeing your buds n ur waiting what another 2-3 weeks probaly? maby i should wait a lil bit more to...
I'll definitely be waiting another 2-3 weeks, they could probably use almost 4. I'll just leave them out to do their thing until the weather gets too bad. If yours are at the same stage as mine, you'll probably want to hold off on the harvest or you may regret cutting them down already.


Well-Known Member
Very nice freddie mine are starting to look more like yours, mine are a bit behind yours though, not as thick and I cant see too many single points coming out of the very tops of the buds.

I wish I had as much time as you though, hard frost is suppose to be hitting this week, but the greenhouse should protect her.

My friend has also been pulling the northern lights plants becuase of mold issues, he showed me some nasty mold on one of the buds yesterday, we've been having so much rain, its raining today too and suppose to all this week. Hope you dont get mold issues.
You guys out west just can't seem to catch a break this year. I hope your greenhouse works as expected for you. Now you've seen what nasty bud mold looks like, so at least you know what to keep an eye out for. I really expect to get mold issues pretty much every year and deal with them as they come along. As long as it doesn't get out of control can usually expect a decent harvest.


Well-Known Member
Weather's been pretty wonkey eh? Hopefully the last stages of your grow go just as smoothly as it seems it's gone so far. Always love outdoor grows, 'specially round here - I wish I could try it! Gonna sub up and see how this goes for you. We share the same weather after all, so I've got a lot to learn from this.

Keep it green freddie. :peace:

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Hope everything is going well freddie, as you prob already know my plant is gone, and I finally found out the reason why I got busted.

I just bought a really nice cola off my buddy that harvested a few weeks ago. He harvested all his northernlights plants and the one unknown bagseed. The northern is a really great smoke, and the unkownbag seed turned out really nice, with a strong skunky smell.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
My father opened his mouth to someone he shouldnt have. Really pissed me off cause he was the one who always told me, when your a grower, one person knowing, is one too many.


Well-Known Member
Hey monkeybones, glad to have you along. That chimp always puts me in a good mood!

mushroom head: I read your other post earlier when I was checking for your updates. That really sucks. If nothing else, at least your Dad can't be too pissed at you about the whole situation now. Just keep moving forward. :leaf:

Anyway, I'll try to get an update on here soon. It's been some pretty shit-turd weather around here, so I'm trying to keep the bud rot at bay while the purple colours come in... :bigjoint:

There was a pretty powerful thunderstorm earlier in the week where the thunder and lightning were almost simultaneous...a real house-shaker!


Well-Known Member
Sry for the late reply.... our grow got ripped.... lost all the plants.... but what the rippers don't know is that they were caught on camera live and in color. Got some real good face shots and we know who the culprits are thanks to the trail cams. I also know how they found the grow... my partner just couldn't keep his mouth shut... so it goes to show all of you... keep your grows to yourself!!! I will recover though... got a grow closet built and will be going at that over the winter months.



Well-Known Member
Is he still going to be your partner next year? If so, this better have taught him his lesson. All you need is one lazy, opportunistic bastard to hear about it and the season's work and materials costs are down the drain. At least you can still play around this winter. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
No I am going solo after that fiasco... all that hard work out the window because of some loose lips... man was I pissed off. My indoor grow will keep me busy though... gonna try a scrog grow and then just raise a couple of good mother plants to get some clones for next years patch.