Freakin' A!


Well-Known Member
I was torchin' a bowl last night with my cat and when he gets stoned he plays with anything for hours on end. Last night he was playing with a wadded up piece of paper. After a few minutes he brought the paper ball over to the couch and dropped it in my lap. I didn't want it so I threw it across the room. He went haulin' ass after it and then he brought the damn thing back to me. This went on for like two hours. Damndest thing I've ever seen. :leaf::-P


Well-Known Member
i hate cats, but every once in awhile they will surprize you, makes you wonder what else the lil fuckers are holding back!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have a great stoner friend, better then any human. Now just teach him to fetch beer and munchy food!!


Well-Known Member blacklab is about 90 pounds and thinks he's a cat...he lays on the back of the couch...chases laser lights around the room...and can leap like 5' and come down on the hardwood floor on all fours without a sound, like a Ninja...he even uses his front paws like a cat does...a strange lab I have here...but he's cool...he doesn't like the smoke though, my older lab is the stoner dog:bigjoint:...and acts like a dog


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my boxer acts catish sometimes, and bounces around like tigger. And likes to lay her 65lb ass right in your lap on the couch!

Great pet for sure