frack! i been jacked!


Active Member
it's my own stupid fault of course...
'in between harvests and jonesing, so 'went out to the town square and got hooked-up (so i thought)...
had my distracting puppy with me and was in a hurry and so made the cardinal error of not checking the bag [everyone can now throw their tomatoes of contempt], forked over the dough and off i went...
got home and discovered that i just bought a $120 bag of parsley.
my own very stupid fault for even buying from a stranger in the first place, and then of course idiot me not bothering to check the bag, so i got my just desserts i suppose... 'just figured that this is a big college town with a lot of folks toke'n and that a certain basic amount of trust between dealer and client could be assumed (how wrong!)...
but sheit, 'lived in nyc for 10 years and bought on the street quite a bit and not once had i come across this sort of bullshit...
'guess i've been just dumb lucky up to now and it was "high time" [if only] to lose innocence and get my jacked-by-dealer cherry popped.
anyhoo, lesson learned (and take note kids, there's always plenty of assholes out there happily willing to take advantage of your stupidity).
i did go back to the fellow, who was (in appearance anyway) apologetic, gave me some song and dance about it being his connection's bad business practice (in so many words) and wanted to know what i wanted to do about it...
'told him, look, i forked over my money, and if he can make everything right then he's earned himself a new customer...
he told me to come back in two hours and he'll see what he can do...
i'm not expecting much from this, but we'll see...
wish me luck, all! (not that i deserve it after having been such a dunce).
thanks for listening to me rant.


Well-Known Member
cant believe you didnt look at the product before you handed over the doe, i wish i could get ahold of people like u lol

grow space

Well-Known Member
Your not getting anything bro...You got ripped off first time, and that fucker aint gonna bring u shit!!!
Prove me wrong and youl be happy:lol::lol::lol:

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
How much smoke have you bought because I leaned on my 2nd buy way back in 1977 to check my fuckin bag. Moneys too tight to give it away


Well-Known Member
well a dealer in NYC wouldnt last an hour if he was peddling fake product... hed end up in intensive care or feeding the rats at the bottom of a storm drain.
sorry to hear you got jacked though. if it was me i would beat his ass. personally im a big believer in one dastardly deed deserves another in return. maybe next time i saw dude i might be tempted to make an 'anonymous tip'. i know that goes against a lot of rules but shit, dude needs to learn his lesson... and since he fucked you over in the first place to me, that means he is open season.


Active Member
How much smoke have you bought because I leaned on my 2nd buy way back in 1977 to check my fuckin bag. Moneys too tight to give it away
a lot.
this was just a really unfortunate and stupid lapse in judgment/attention (i've always checked before)...

(and shit, the worst of it all is that i don't have any smoke, or even a scrapable bowl, to take the sting out of things )

keep those tomatoes coming, i've sure earned 'em...


Well-Known Member
well a dealer in nyc wouldnt last an hour if he was peddling fake product... Hed end up in intensive care or feeding the rats at the bottom of a storm drain.
Sorry to hear you got jacked though. If it was me i would beat his ass. Personally im a big believer in one dastardly deed deserves another in return. Maybe next time i saw dude i might be tempted to make an 'anonymous tip'. I know that goes against a lot of rules but shit, dude needs to learn his lesson... And since he fucked you over in the first place to me, that means he is open season.
same on my side.,.,but this is cali we got roaches.,.,lol.,.,i woulda u turned and dun'd that boy,but to each his own.,.,i kno i shouldnt vex


Active Member
i woulda u turned and dun'd that boy
i'm a pretty pacifistic soul and really just more likely to get my ass kicked (or worse) in the event.
'suppose i could take along the 357, but i'm really not comfortable packing in public in this ivy town, nevermind using the threat of deadly force for intimidation...
and it is just money...
['not saying i don't value my hard earned green, but is $120 worth the hassle of violence et al? i'm rationalizing it to myself like it's a speeding ticket for stupidity]


Well-Known Member
i'm a pretty pacifistic soul and really just more likely to get my ass kicked (or worse) in the event.
'suppose i could take along the 357, but i'm really not comfortable packing in public in this ivy town, nevermind using the threat of deadly force for intimidation...
and it is just money...
['not saying i don't value my hard earned green, but is $120 worth the hassle of violence et al? i'm rationalizing it to myself like it's a speeding ticket for stupidity]
just how i was raised "if they want trouble give it to em double"eye for a eye jungle law.,.,but i overstand wat ure saying,shouldnt vex.,.,:peace:


Active Member
I wouldn't want to deal with him again after that encounter. I'd find someone else.
yeah, except i have this terrible faith in the fundamental goodness of people, no matter now many i times in my life i've been shat on...
so i'm heading out now to see if this all can be put right (admittedly an astronomical possibility) and give this guy a chance to redeem himself (and no, i'm not a christer... 'atheist actually)
'will report back upon my return.


Active Member
if it were me i would be on supper alert for this dick every time i was near the place where the deal was. When I see him confront him....... I def wouldnt just let it go.


Well-Known Member
u did mention it was inbetween harvests etc etc, why do you not sell on an ounce to a dealer when u harvest,
that way u can have a dealer who ur friendly with etc..?
just a tought
sux that u got dun over hope u get money back or atleast sum bud


Well-Known Member
i'm a pretty pacifistic soul and really just more likely to get my ass kicked (or worse) in the event.
'suppose i could take along the 357, but i'm really not comfortable packing in public in this ivy town, nevermind using the threat of deadly force for intimidation...
and it is just money...
['not saying i don't value my hard earned green, but is $120 worth the hassle of violence et al? i'm rationalizing it to myself like it's a speeding ticket for stupidity]
guns are bad :(


Active Member
guns are bad :(
(though i do enjoy getting to the shooting range... 'find it very meditative in its way)

yeah, so the bloke wanted more cash to set things right...
as if. good money after bad? i don't think so. hardly surprising, but i feel better for at least having done the right thing and given him a chance. bad karma all around though... and, while it's a shame i threw away the $120 so stupidly, i kinda feel worse for the scam-man so easily tossing what self-respect he has in the gutter. he may have gotten some easy cash, but i think the soul-cost of this bad business is much worse for his sorry ass.
all in all, this has been a good (albeit annoying) reminder of why i mainly got into growing in the first place--to not have to deal with such unsavory bs.

now if only i had some smoke! :lol:
november seems very far away...
ah, the perils of being a fiend!

anyhoo, thanks all for letting me rant and getting this off me chest.


Active Member
u did mention it was inbetween harvests etc etc, why do you not sell on an ounce to a dealer when u harvest,
that way u can have a dealer who ur friendly with etc..?
just a tought
sux that u got dun over hope u get money back or atleast sum bud
no money back. no bud. just JACKed. (but thanks for the kind wishes! :) )
that is a great idea though about putting harvest to some ulterior use... though my grow is very smallfry (2 plants in veg / 1 to 2 in flower at any given time), so i'd be kinda loathe to part-for-profit with my hard-earned doobage... still, it might be worth it to get on good terms with someone for these in-between times... hmmm, food for thought. then of course, one would have to find someone decent enough to sell to in the first place...


Well-Known Member
Man that sucks. I remember that happened to me when I first started smoking. It's one shitty feeling. It's always good to know someone you can trust to sell you in times of need.