forcing flowering


Well-Known Member
you can start them on 12/12, from seed, but its best to start them at 18/6 or 24/0 for the first 2-3 weeks to get sum maturity befor flowering them:peace:


Well-Known Member
Generally if I am in a hurry I like to wait till the plant is about 8" tall and has pretty good new growth coming on. I have some now that are 13" tall and with amazing new growth; they are only 6 weeks old. I will be starting the flowering cycle this weekend................
keeping fingers crossed, keeping fingers


Well-Known Member
Hey BB i just read that link and i am definately trying that after this harvest!!!!

Np godspeedsuckah

Ive read and re-read that thread many times, Def picked up some good ideas from it and like you... I will be setting a space a side in my closet to give the 12/12 from seed ago, at some point not to far off in the distance future



Active Member
oh yah theyre just bagseeders

and theyre still in theyre little pots

im goin to grab some super thrive and potting soil this weekend for my next step

haha im doin this shit right, right?

ive got 2 32 watt compact flourescents

for 2 plants? tips coments anything


Well-Known Member
What lights do you have 314259ganja ?...

Every one like to look at photos... Do you have any pic of your plant/s ?


Active Member
and yes i have pictures,,........

if you want shitty low resolution cell phone pics

ill buy a digital camera and start some sort of thread or whatever

puerto rico

Active Member
so if you begin to force flower a plant indoors at about 12 inches, how high on average can you expect it to get to? i know there would be several influencing factors, but is there a general rule that it will double or triple in size or something?


Well-Known Member
so if you begin to force flower a plant indoors at about 12 inches, how high on average can you expect it to get to? i know there would be several influencing factors, but is there a general rule that it will double or triple in size or something?

Indoors 2-3 xs the size it was when it was flowered.