Force Flowering


Hello all. I just recently made a small grow cab right smack dab in the middle of a living room right under the most watched tv in the house. Its not much but it works and unless you look really hard you can't tell its even there. I'll take pics later and post them if anyone takes interest. What im wanting to do is grow 2 to 3 plants with a small yeild due to the small amount of space and im just wanting to know more about force flowering.


Well-Known Member
Huh? your growing a weed plant indoors under lights and dont know anything about force flowering, take some pics and post them on here we'll tell you everything your doing right/wrong and what you need to know.


Well-Known Member
Why not just surf through the forums (start with the basics) and then ask questions. Sounds like you need the basic concept of indoor cultivation explained A-Z real quick.


i know about force flowering. I want a small yeilding plant. Sooo i want to know how long i need to veg it for before changing cycles to do so. Or If its even possible to do so. BTW im using 4 40 watt cfls in a cabinet thats about 2'5" all around


Well-Known Member
all depends on your setup, like i said if you showed us some pics we could tell you.


Well-Known Member
I gotta say im a bit impressed, I wasnt expecting your grow set up to look as nice as it does for the size you said it is and where you said you built it. One thing though, I didnt notice an exhaust fan, did i just overlook it? is that tin foil? if it is you should get mylar or paint it flat dull white. tin foils reflectivity is only about 50-60% while those 2 are more towards 90%+ reflected back.


i always put the plant in dark 2 or 3 days growers discresion then switch the light time to 12/12 with all my rooms. a great way to tell when to flower a plant is when the nodes (where branches come out or leaves) are no longer symetrical or side by side hope this helps


Thanks for the compliments and help and such. Yes it is aluminum foil i do have a hole for ventilation in the back of box its covered up atm though. I have a fan ready to use but my seeds are germinating so i dont have it in there. I was gonna just paint the whole inside of it white but i decided i would cover t with something before i did that. I appreciate any comments or suggestions that anyone has.


Well-Known Member
lol well to be honest i think ur gonna have a job trying to get some proper weed out of that n i dont think that the dull white paint is gonna make any difference at all for your setup, id let the plants grow till 3 set of true leafs and then turn 12/12, you also need to get a tiny fan for some air movement, maybe make a hole in the side and put it in front of that for some new air to circulate or open regulary, plants use a lot of CO2 and a lack of this will stress the plant.


Well-Known Member
i always put the plant in dark 2 or 3 days growers discresion then switch the light time to 12/12 with all my rooms. a great way to tell when to flower a plant is when the nodes (where branches come out or leaves) are no longer symetrical or side by side hope this helps
Nothing personal but the dark period between veg and flowering is a myth. If you look at how the plant and the flowering hormone works it does not do anything for you. If you wait till your plant is mature flowering begins basically after the first long night, it just takes a few days for the physical chage become visible. Your just making that take longer by giving it less energy to do it.


Well-Known Member
Nothing personal but the dark period between veg and flowering is a myth. If you look at how the plant and the flowering hormone works it does not do anything for you. If you wait till your plant is mature flowering begins basically after the first long night, it just takes a few days for the physical chage become visible. Your just making that take longer by giving it less energy to do it.
I agree and the node seperation only happens AFTER the first long night like dark said and is only visible a week or two after set into flowering


Well-Known Member
dont think that the dull white paint is gonna make any difference at all for your setup

um, heres the thing, if you go and get you a light measurer you'll see that dull white paint is alot more reflective than tinfoil. in a small area like that and with the limits he will have on lighting reflection of the lighting he does have is very important.


Im not completly done yet i have a hole cut out in the back of the box for ventilation i have a fan i just think im gonna have to get a smaller one so i dont take to much room.


Active Member
just curious what type of seeds your using? i just started 2 auto flower seeds, and from what ive heard, there really good for small spaces like yours


im using bagseed from what i've been told is an indica strain. I really want to try out some of those autoflower seeds from nirvana i just need to see what i can do with the space i got before i buy some seeds.