for fade


Well-Known Member
Here are the pics, I think i will leave them on the window sill for now but just need to know should i start with nutes? If so how much do i use and whats the best brand to use? And I take it they will be fine on the window sill till may/june then transfer outside. Or just leave indoors. Is it just as good inside?

Cheers mate will send pics when they get bigger!



They look good considering you put em outside for a bit mate.

I'd steer clear of using those decomposable pots in future. They dry the soil out way faster than conventional plastic pots.

Keep em inside and under some bootiful lights and you should be good with them babies.




Well-Known Member
most soils will feed a plant for the first 2-3 weeks this is usually the point at which i up pot to bigger pots so i usually dont have to feed for the first month. but you should start slow 1/4 1/2 then full some plants take less then others watch ur plant and make sure it doesnt show sighns of nute burn. also when you water your plant make sure you get ALL of the soil wet with at least 10% run off if you only water around the stem like that when the roots grow out of the wet soil into the dry soil they will dry up and die. GL with your grow bro =D

p.s. i know im not fade but the soil being wet only around the stem bothered me thought i might as well put my 2 cents about the feeding :weed::leaf: