? for all the growers


Well-Known Member
we also have one of the longest mountain chains in usa if not the largest (some of your best shit comes out of the mountains/foot hills)
weed and ginseng 2 cash crops ....the best part is ginseng likes the shade so planting it under the weed they grow fat roots ...it is wild simulated so get a good price per pound

i am saying give us 10 years of legal open growing and bet east takes the most medals for the year in contests
That makes no sense. Ginseng takes 10-15 years to be worth money. How would planting it under mj work? Also simulated wild seng is not worth anywhere near what real wild is.

The mountains are great for mj though.


Well-Known Member
East coast weather conditions suck.
at least we have water .........as u guys do not and it is only getting worst (if next year does not resupply it alot of ppl are done)

the other issue is with all the wild fires and cleared land with nothing to hold it down .......when it does rain u got lahars
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Well-Known Member
That makes no sense. Ginseng takes 10-15 years to be worth money. How would planting it under mj work? Also simulated wild seng is not worth anywhere near what real wild is.

The mountains are great for mj though.
3 years wild simulated 5 years to pull out the fat ones .........1000 seeds are going to run 200-400 depending when u order them
wild sim gets u the 2nd highest price wild will always gett u the best but 300 less a lb i can live with still make 500 to 700

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
at least we have water .........as u guys do not and it is only getting worst (if next year does not resupply it alot of ppl are done)

the other issue is with all the wilf fires and cleared land with nothing to hold it down .......when it does rain u got lahars
Lol we have enough water to grow weed..


Well-Known Member
i do not know about that @mr sunshine
indoor shops are paying a higher amount for water now as it is less and less
i even heard of some regular farms going into debt to drill a 4th 5th well 500 feet deeper then the other ones just so they can do half the land to break even ....even some places are trucking in water just for basic live stock and self

the snow pack on the mountains is at a record low


Well-Known Member
3 years wild simulated 5 years to pull out the fat ones .........1000 seeds are going to run 200-400 depending when u order them
wild sim gets u the 2nd highest price wild will always gett u the best but 300 less a lb i can live with still make 500 to 700
Dude I'm telling you simulated is worthless. Hell wild is not bringing anything this year.

Simulated grows fast and puts on weight. The rings are also spread out. Any dealer that knows what they are doing would not give anywhere near wild prices.

Wild seng really takes 10-15 years to really be worth something.

I'm saying simulated is about worthless price wise. Now you can grow patches in the wild that are worth money but they still take years and years.

Also here is another misconception. The more prongs the older the plant. That is not always true. Sometimes a two prong's root can be older and bigger than a four prong.

I live in Appalachia. The best seng producing region.

If growing a patch you better off to collect berries and plant them. Most seeds ordered are worthless and won't sprout.


Well-Known Member
Dude I'm telling you simulated is worthless. Hell wild is not bringing anything this year.

Simulated grows fast and puts on weight. The rings are also spread out. Any dealer that knows what they are doing would not give anywhere near wild prices.

Wild seng really takes 10-15 years to really be worth something.

I'm saying simulated is about worthless price wise. Now you can grow patches in the wild that are worth money but they still take years and years.

Also here is another misconception. The more prongs the older the plant. That is not always true. Sometimes a two prong's root can be older and bigger than a four prong.

I live in Appalachia. The best seng producing region.

If growing a patch you better off to collect berries and plant them. Most seeds ordered are worthless and won't sprout.
my area wild ginseng is off limits to harvest do to not planting the seeds where they find it
wild simulated is the best they are getting now ........maryland
think this might be first year they are allowing it again sept to dec


Well-Known Member
ohhh hit a nerve there ........u must own one
Own one what?
Nerve? funny bone maybe. You made me laugh cuz of all the really dumb shit you said.
England, lol.

Why do you abuse the ellipsis so much?

sorry man if u look at climates your nothing special
I live in Colorado.
The west coast has a better climate in general for growing weed. You can specualte all you want but the proof is in the pudding and the east coast pudding is made out of air.

(in fact it is in trouble with the drought) ..........same conditions repeat in several places on the planet ....that is just common sense
That does not make sense, much less common sense.

the only thing u have is TIME as wine has been bigger out there for years some date back to 1600s ..... the grape imparts the taste of the land to the wine
You are really good at being wrong.
Look it up. The region where grapes are grown are incredibly important. Other wise there would be good wine coming out of what ever state you live in.

it just matter of time ....logic again
holy fuck, logic, lol

.......someone will decide to do it get a piece of land and spend the time money and effort ......the right grape the right land enough time and u got bottles for contest
It has been tried on the east coast for a long time. Cal me when there is a decent east coast wine.
I have an idea, what east coast wine is widely distributed?
If there were good ones, I would be able to get one at my liquor store.

it is the truth at this point and time now u win ......but with time and a person that wants it east coast can beat it (if the weather does not turn and give u rain soon and 5 ft of it your area is over worked to many ppl to big of farms .....it can not handle the shifts in weather patterns )
Are you talking about wine or cannabis now?
It is much easier to produce excellent cannabis than wine.

You are wrong about wine, wildly and insanely wrong.

I have never heard of east coast weed. I have heard of Cali weed since I was a teenager.

English wines, lol.


Well-Known Member
He described the award-winning sparkling rose


Did you read that article?


You did not read that article.
It talks about good wines you can get cheap. I did not see any English wines on there.
There was a Champagne, which by definition comes from a region in France. There were some Australian wines.

What is wrong with you?


Well-Known Member
i do not know about that @mr sunshine
indoor shops are paying a higher amount for water now as it is less and less
Got a link for that?

i even heard of some regular farms going into debt to drill a 4th 5th well 500 feet deeper then the other ones just so they can do half the land to break even ....even some places are trucking in water just for basic live stock and self

the snow pack on the mountains is at a record low
Some say cucumbers taste better pickled.
Most growers on the west coast expect to water their cannabis. During drought years they water more.
Drought years can mean larger yields

now try to follow me here

less rain means less clouds which means more sun
which means English wine sucks ass on hot ice


Well-Known Member
ohhh hit a nerve there ........u must own one
sorry man if u look at climates your nothing special (in fact it is in trouble with the drought) ..........same conditions repeat in several places on the planet ....that is just common sense
the only thing u have is TIME as wine has been bigger out there for years some date back to 1600s ..... the grape imparts the taste of the land to the wine

it just matter of time ....logic again .......someone will decide to do it get a piece of land and spend the time money and effort ......the right grape the right land enough time and u got bottles for contest

it is the truth at this point and time now u win ......but with time and a person that wants it east coast can beat it (if the weather does not turn and give u rain soon and 5 ft of it your area is over worked to many ppl to big of farms .....it can not handle the shifts in weather patterns )
West coast has micro climates. San Diego county alone has four weather forecast depending where you live and the temperature difference of 30 degrees is not uncommon between the micro climates.. my town particularly has 12 wineries grown in two different climates. Plenty of water out west. Drought yes but far from dry.
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Well-Known Member
I mean, thanks for the links about how excellent the wine you buy in England from other countries is.
That was great.

I love being flabbergasted like this.


Well-Known Member
I mean, thanks for the links about how excellent the wine you buy in England from other countries is.
That was great.

I love being flabbergasted like this.
that was funny and coming from a dwarf

u can not win the argurment ....what i said is true ...accept or not but does not change the fact it right


Well-Known Member
that was funny and coming from a dwarf
Are you serious?
Have someone read that second article to you and explain to you that there are no English wines on it.

Time for you to smoke a bowl, you are over stimulated young man.

u can not win the argurment
I did before it started. You lost the minute you replied to me.

....what i said is true
No, it is a bunch of bullshit.
We could go back and debate any of your idiotic contentions, they were all wrong, but it was fun.
English wine?
East coast weed?

LOLs to both

...accept or not but does not change the fact it right
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one book wouldn't we all be better off?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to prove this guy wrong here. Let's see, <types "english wine awards" into google, 12 results>
Ha, now I've got him! <posts a link to an article that has award winning wines from countries that are not England>
Take that dwarf, for I have defeated you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111


Well-Known Member
They are not know for quality and not known through out the United States, but yes, Kentucky, which is not on the east coast, does grow weed.
Yea not east coast. Yes Ky is known for weed. Well it was. States going medical and legal have changed that.
I'm talking years back. Ky was only surpassed by California in cannabis production. Now the percentage of that is top shelf I couldn't tell you. I would say its like anywhere else. Some grow for money and don't care and some have a passion for it.

On the eastern side of the state you have the elevation that increases UV which increases tricromb production.

I have friends that moved to Cali and still wanted good home grown from here.

But yea we have long been forgotten about.

I can also tell you that road kill skunk from the 80's and early 90's is still here.

