Foliar WATERING ------- Simple PH question ------ Thanks for stoping by ----


Good Morning Green Thumbs,

Quick Question,

I have some seedlings that are just shy of 4 weeks old, My question is this,

Do I need to PH Correct My RO water To say 5.5 -5.8 before spraying on the leaves.

Out of the RO My water is at 6.4.

They are currently in 3x3 rockwool cubes.

Thanks for sharing your time, and knowledge, Have a great sunday folks.



Well-Known Member
I do not foliar feed at all, but I would think pH would be of little concern as the leaf pores are getting the nutrients and not the roots.

I'll see if I can find some more info!



Well-Known Member
Dutch Masters says to not PH water when using foliar sprays, liquid light, saturator, etc. Like closet gardener said, ph is only a concern for nutrient uptake through the root system.


Well-Known Member
You can if you want, but the majority of what's here to read, will be people who only do it to remedy a problem, not an everyday procedure.