foliar feeding w/kelp prior to taking cuttings


Well-Known Member
ive seen this mentioned to increase vigor and decrease rooting time- whats a good product for this? something like maxicrop ideally? (im in hydro and dont like messy organic products)

how soon before cutting? any other tips? thanks!


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, seaweed extract and fulvic acid. Two weeks before you cut the clones.

This guy talks about it in here somewhere.

The growth stimulator Triacontanol is also good to foliar feed with before cloning.

I know you specifically don't like messy organic products, but half a cup of kelp meal and alfalfa meal in a few gallons of water gives you infinity cloning foliar spray, cheaply.


Well-Known Member
Seaweed aint great for seedlings or clones due to it becoming toxic in certain stuff at certain levels.


Well-Known Member
I've been using an aerocloner lately. It really simplifies life.
I add a bit of rooting hormones on about day 5 or 6.