fog system burning questions


Active Member
Hi, I'm new to growing and I have plans for a 6 plant fog feed system with 1.5 inch rockwool cubes suspended ontop with a drip feed for each rockwool. This seems like the ideal way to grow for speed and efficiency: start with rockwool drip fed clones then move them to fog chamber when they take hold.

my questions are: will the plants grow to full size in the 1.5 rockwool's? my guess is that they would because they have ample room to grow an extended aero fed root system underneath inside the dark fog chamber. also the other question which is bugging at me is what is the recommended distance for two full size adult plants stem to stem? also should the fog system run 24hrs daily or should it have a break? what about the drip feeds, should they be timed? or is there any harm in running the drippers 24? how tall should the chamber be?

thanks all. this forum is awesome!

