flusing questions


ok guys i m lookin for the best way to flush fox farm ocean forest 5 gallon buckets.
i do have sledgehammer by FF and i always had a lil bad luck with it.. maybe im using it wrong..
but im at like flower week 7.5 to 8 weeks of northern lights by nirvana

so my question is.. is there any other way to flush the medium of salts and build up without using x3 the amount of medium.. so 5 gallons = 15 gallons of water?

i just used nutes the other day.. thought it was a good ideal.. but i think i have heat issues too and one of my babys are showing naners
so i just want to go ahead and take the loss on what is there and flush so i can chop in about a week...

so any faster flushing ideals?

if not.. has anyone else used sledgehammer.. can i get a step by step tip please on how to flush it with sledgehammer..


Active Member
Why do you need to flush ? Flush your toilets not your cannabis plants. But that's my opinion on that. Faster ? Take them to the hose or shower.


Well-Known Member
I use Drip Clean from Home and Garden in all water. I use it primarily because of my drip lines. But it is supposed to remove salts in soil as well. I don't know if it would help you. It's more preventative than fixing a problem oriented.