Flushing plants


New Member
I have been flushing my plants for 3 days and have used flora Kleen but it’s going to be +2 C throughout the next 2 weeks and in the minuses at night, am I okay to harvest them or should I keep flushing for the full week


Well-Known Member
The guy above me is trolling you and feeding you false info. Don't listen to him.

Like a couple people above me mentioned, you're gonna want to flush for at least 10 more days.
But those people were joking.
If you are not going to be helpful.....
Flushing is an outdated concept that has been proved unnecessary by use of the scientific method (see the article shared by Tint).
The only time anyone should or needs to flush is if you find you have overfed and created nutrient lockout and or toxicity in your root zone.
In that situation flushing with a mild nutrient solution can help to rebalance your growing medium.

Let's stop feeding this poor guy bad information!

Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Don't waste your money on bottles of sugar water which is all FloraKleen is.
Found this on another site. Interesting.
Clearex is most definitely just sugars....
you can achieve the same thing with Dextrose (corn sugar in powdered form) and sucrose which is ordinary granulated table sugar.

Glucose is basically corn syrup and dextrose is powdered corn sugar...virtually identical.

Dextrose can be easily purchased through wine and beer brewing supply places. I picked up a kilogram for 2.50

For 1 litre of superconcentrated flushing liquid use:
120 grams of dextrose
60 grams of sucrose
add distilled water to the 1L mark.

this will give you the same ratio as in clearex only more 4X more concentrated.

use 3.75 to 7.5 ml per gallon to give you the same effect

Here is the back label from clearex that someone on here sent me....wish I remembered his name to give him credit, but thank you my friend will have to suffice for now :)


Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
But those people were joking.
If you are not going to be helpful.....
Flushing is an outdated concept that has been proved unnecessary by use of the scientific method (see the article shared by Tint).
The only time anyone should or needs to flush is if you find you have overfed and created nutrient lockout and or toxicity in your root zone.
In that situation flushing with a mild nutrient solution can help to rebalance your growing medium.

Let's stop feeding this poor guy bad information!

Happy growing!
Dude, you're flushing the nutrients straight out of the buds. That's how it works. Science - learn it, know it, live it.


Well-Known Member
I mean, two weeks+ tastes like anorexic shit. similar to the taste of leaving buds on the stem for two weeks after chop. I think there is a happy medium. It may not be the nutrients, but something tastes different.

What's the right way to make a cup of tea, ya know?

Preferring unflushed weed, hey go for it..... But I swear flushed vs unfinished tastes different. It's like a wild animal has a "gamey" taste.

All of these articles are for organic nutrients, and I don't like that water PH is never mentioned. I paged through about 50 pages. And he vegged for 20 days, and he waters 10l, I didn't catch the pot size. Never used promix, but miracle grow would still be feeding lol

His conclusion was that un-ph'd water makes plants use less water. Anything alluding to "un-flushed tasting better" simply is a backwards way of saying "you can taste the difference"
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