Flushing hydro plants


Active Member
Should hydro plants be flushed the same way as soil plants?
As in 2 weeks water at the end of flowering.

Im useing a coco water to waste in containers pretty much like a soil grow.

I have been searching but the only flushing threads i have found are for soil.


Active Member
Ya, maybe more like a week tho. I've hear of some people adding molasses to their water when they flush


Well-Known Member
yes but hydro flushes much quicker. It usually take me about 5 days for a full flush in hydro.

I usually flush for a week in hydro. I can't imagine it would be better if I flushed for 2 weeks...two weeks the plant get's not nutrients, what a rob on the yeild.

Don't add molasses if you are in hydro, I don't feel like quoting that statement (lazy), but molasses is going to gunk up the works.


Active Member
ya i've done molasses in my dwc set up and it was a BIG mistake. After like two days i notice a gellatin funky looking goo thicked around the big roots in the water. Thankfully it was a day or two before cut so there was no harm but ya i wouldn't do molasses in a hydro set up.