Flushing a Plant - Is it okay to still use organic nutes?

So the plants in question have been growing in the full foxfarms line of products and they are almost to the point where they need to be flushed. For my job I have been testing a new purely organic slurry (anerobic) that has been working miracles in our market trial, so I was wondering would it be okay to use while flushing or would it impact taste too much?


Well-Known Member
I'd flush it,
Straight up water..
I don't care what some one eles would say or do.
It's my pot and I want it to taste like it's suppost to!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So the plants in question have been growing in the full foxfarms line of products and they are almost to the point where they need to be flushed. For my job I have been testing a new purely organic slurry (anerobic) that has been working miracles in our market trial, so I was wondering would it be okay to use while flushing or would it impact taste too much?
It's your grow, man. Do what you want to do.

Personally, I would flush only with water or with something like Final Phase because that will ensure you don't have any leftover chemical taste. Since you're not sure what your other slurry is going to do to the taste, I think you should hold off at this point.

Or is there a way to add it to just one plant so that you're not ruining an entire grow?