Flush or feed?


Well-Known Member
Overfeeding and overthinking.

Stop checking runoff ppm or pH. In fact stop checking that stuff altogether. Although I do see you were using a slurry test as well to check pH. That is the correct way to test pH. The thing is, you don't need to worry about that. Just worry about hat you're feeding/watering. Get that right and you're done. Walk away. Drink a beer and smoke a joint. Chasing pH and ppms is a sure path to problems. I see this all the time. People post photo's of perfectly healthy plants. But they're not satisfied. They check their runoff and the numbers are not what they think they should be. The plant is healthy but they think they need to fix something. They start changing things and the plant goes to crap.

That plant has been overfed. Fox Farms nutrient schedule is notorious for overfeeding issues. All those additives they have people adding makes a toxic soup out of the soil. That plant should have been on plain water a week and a half ago and left alone. You seem more focused on playing with meters and checking measurements than growing a plant.