flowing with 2 500w cfl and 6 40w fouresence can this be done what should i expect?

will this work

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Well-Known Member
was wondering if 2 500w cfls and 6 40w fluorescence lights would be enough light to get good dense bud?

what should i expect with cfls ? alot of people talk bad about them just seeing what you think please let me know will have pictures soon

area 19"W 60"L 40"T

ONE fan no exaust fan temp 72-84 last night lights on at 7pm off at 1pm

temp during 2pm-7pm 79-80

wanted to ask before starting flowering if this would work?



Well-Known Member
Hey man

I'll be the first to say welcome !!

CFL's are not bad.. its only bad growers using CFL's that give them the bad name.. Have a look a the R.C.C thread as well as the sticky written by Dr.Chronic.. that has plenty of info.. Also later tonight the R.C.C will be putting out another FAQ for all you new CFL growers !!

To answer your question, first I have to ask you a question.. When you say 500W cfls' for you mean equivalent Watts or actual watts ? I've just never seen a 500W CFL but that'd be BAD ASS... anyway.. without knowing that.. I'd say yeah you can get away with some nice high quality buds with just CFL's.. have a look around the section anyone in the R.C.C will show you how its done and any of us would be happy to help !!

Good Luck,


Well-Known Member
I think you'll be fine then.. If you could possibly drop the floros and get more 65 watters you'd be better off or even 26W's or 42W.. my entire grow is being done with nothing but 26W lights and I'm more than content.. have a look at Wolfman_Zen's grow.. and Dr.Chornic just as 2 of the many great examples of what can be done with cfl lighting !!

Good luck man,


Well-Known Member
i keep trying to look em up but cant find any thing is their a way you could put a link on the page for me to go straight to it??? what will the floros do help not help?


Well-Known Member
Remember to make reflectors for your lights , mylar,mylar,mylar, and should I risk repeating myself MYLAR...


Well-Known Member
all the lights have reflectors and the hole grow closet it covered head to toe in mylar cant even see the lights with it zipped up witch is nice cuss its in my closet and the door is kept open at night for fresh air . ac in the closet during the day if it gets to hot


Well-Known Member
i was going to start monday just to see how these lights work but they seem fine so im going to start tonight. anything i should do before starting flowering? i was going to start one clone off the tallest one 15" so their all a little closer together 12"-13"
but so far my clone dont do so good. any easy cloning methods you guys could help me with? thanxxs


Well-Known Member
yes equivalent Watts sorry they are 65w cfl spot lights "bulb name 4u-65w 6500 (bb) lights" i also have a bulb that says "cooper r10 plf-65w 6400 and a # on the back that says 6924. found the r10 on the a web site that says its 500w dont have much info on the 4u-65w. any info would help thanks

Yes it will work cause I am doing it right now with the below lighting.

As far as density of the bud with this mine ar pretty dence but I think it would depend on the strain of plant. I lucked out with something that seems to be working really well. I keep my 500 watt equivalents ( that are in the fixture above ) about 4" away from the top of the plant and it has kept the plant short and stocky. As far as looking at your plants I cant tell how tall they are but I started flowering mine at about 8" and its now around 14". I would recomend flowering at a short height so that plant doesnt get to tall so that you light can get to most of the plant.

2 cents good luck and looks good!