

Active Member
when I change to flowering where should I put the six extra hours on the timer. cut on six hours early or cut off six hours later or could I do three hours on each side????

so other peoples timer time would be helpful thanks.


Well-Known Member
just flip them. I run 24/7 then 12 /12. I throw them in there when ever I feel like so do the time that best for you keeping in mind night time I cooler and keep in mind you have to work in there water prune. so make sure you have time to work in there. with lights on . other then that it does not matter . but your question is smart .


Well-Known Member
Just change the timer and walk away. Do check to make sure you are where you want to be. Avoid turning big bulbs off and on unnecessarily as that is the quickest way to blow a bulb I know. When in doubt give the plant extra light. BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
I do 24 to 12/12 I do mine from 8 at night to 8 in the morning just take advantage of the lower night temps


Active Member
ok thanks for the quick posts just makin sure the ladies aint going stress... we all know what happens when they stress *acne* full of pollen haha


Well-Known Member
A lot of people like to run Their lights at night (ex.5pm-5am) for temp reasons. In summer its much easier to keep the room cool at night with lights on. And in winter, having the lights on at night help raise the temp so plants dont freeze. Usually this is only an issue if growing in a garage or something similar.

But to answer you directly, no it makes no difference when the dark period is added