Flowering Q?


Active Member
What is the shortest time to veg and still get a descent yield im at 3 weeks and a couple days right now.


Active Member
Well i do have a cheap ole setup just a 200 watt 2,400k cfl and a 100 watt natural daylight cfl which i just got today. First time growing didnt really want to spend to much money on it cause i didnt even know if it was going to work to be honest. But yea actually it will be 4 weeks aka 1 month on friday which is also my birthday lol. It has 6 side shoots growing and about 2 on its way. Well when ima start flowering is in 2 or so weeks just so its not too early


Active Member
well i just got sent back a couple days cause i just droped my plant on itself nothing broke the whole plant just came out with the root ball not many roots damaged either the leafs are just bent a bit.


Well-Known Member
well i just got sent back a couple days cause i just droped my plant on itself nothing broke the whole plant just came out with the root ball not many roots damaged either the leafs are just bent a bit.
it will be fine but yea with the lights you got plan on flowering sometime soon if you not gonna do any lst


Active Member
Yea ima flower in 2 or so weeks i think the plant is gonna be fine too lol oh and i dont even know if it is a male ore female yet. With what i have read several times indications say a female tho.


Well-Known Member
Depends on a lot of factors, like hydro or soil, strain, training methods, type of lights ect ect.. With that said I usually veg 4-5 weeks and get 6-7oz per harvest.

If you veg two plants for 1 month, you flower one under a 400w HID and the other under a 600w. The 600w will yield more.


Active Member
yea now hearing that someone only veg's for like 4-5 weeks i think ima veg in a week and a couple of days cause i did just drop the plant so ima wait 3-4 days to recover or do what it has to do lol.


Well-Known Member
My veg period is short because I grow in a waterfarm which is a hydroponics system. For soil I suggest 6 weeks min.


Active Member
Okay so i have another question and did not feel like making a new thread. But so lets say i flower my plant now while it has 8 node plants would that be a bud site? I think ima let it get 2-3 more nodes then flower it.