Flowering Plant Starting to die


Active Member
Alright i have a 65 year old Neighbor that grows and is lets just say a little clueless to looking after them.
His crop was planted early August(i know it's early in Australia but there in a hot house)
Only blood and bone was put in the soil
They are all at Different Stages of Flowering now
He had a problem with snails early along but snail bait seems to have fixed that.
The furthest along Plant has recently started to look sick, the leaves (and buds) on two main branches have started to die?
Since i am not sure either what is wrong with her, we decided to remove the "sick" looking branches.
I will attach a pic of the healthiest branch we removed hopefully someone here knows whats up.
Hopefully it isn't some type of Disease since there are around 3 other plants near this one :-?



Well-Known Member
Kinda musty like old socks when it gets going. Been raining alot or high humidity? If it is mold it spreads by spores. I'd cut the crap off as its toast anyway.


Active Member
Kinda musty like old socks when it gets going. Been raining alot or high humidity? If it is mold it spreads by spores. I'd cut the crap off as its toast anyway.
I will have to check out the smell and see if i can get a couple pics of the plant next time i go over there (Hopefully tonight or tomorrow).
It has been raining a bit lately not that heavy really, I'm guessing though the humidity would be higher in the Greenhouse.
I'll have to check and see how often they are getting watered

Thanks for the Help Dude :joint: