Flowering lighting Question

I've been flowering my bagseed female named, "Uncle Larry" for 2 weeks and she is progressing quiet nicely in the flowering process. Recently, (saturday night) I accidently overslept (Alcohol) and gave her 13 hours of light. I then gave her 12 hours of dark and have resumed a 12/12 cycle since then. Tonight will start the 2nd regular light period. How bad was this mistake? I'm hoping that since she only got an extra hour of light it shouldn't be too big an issue.

What do you all think?


Well-Known Member
yeah, very minor. The fact that you compensated with a full 12 hour dark was very good. Lots of people don't understand it, but the flowering is more about the amount of dark than the amount of light. Seriously though, get a timer :)


Active Member
Definitely minor, I've seen A LOT worse posts on this site compared to yours. Your lady probably doesn't even realize the mess up it was that minor.