Flowering Lighting Question


I am flowering 12 plants, but am on a budget and am trying to save where I can right now. I am using 2 600 watt bulbs. One is a halide conversion and one is a sodium. Should I eat ramen and save some money to buy another sodium bulb, or am I ok running both a sodium and a halide during flowering?


Active Member
I was using a 250 watt hps and a 400 watt metal halide with fluorescents hung verticaly and its seems to work good... I heard the halide added in there will provide the UV rays a plants needs for propper growth!!


Active Member
A dozen girls under that set up should work just nicely if you rotate the ladies avery couple of days.... man cannot liveon ramen alone...:wall:


Well-Known Member
yea dood use em both and u will b happy, the HPS will helkp BULK the buds up NICE and firm, and the MH will help biuld a good resin amount;-)