Flowering height?


Active Member
How tall should a plant be before you start the flowering cycle? This is my first time growing and any advice would be appreciated. My plant is about 10" tall right now. Heres a pic.Thanks



Well-Known Member
I'm a fan if growing to 12 inches then flowering. I'd rather have 20 12 inchers than 2 4 footers.


Well-Known Member
depends on your growing area you have to play with. I would think 1 foot should be minimum.


Well-Known Member
Number one you have some time before flowering.

Second, that pot is filled wayy to low with soil, not allowing maximum light to all your plants nodes.

Third, it looks like it has stretched quite a bit lower the lights, and what type of ventilation are you giving that baby?


New Member
I was thinking the exact same thing and was wondering if anyone was going to mention that.
You want your plant to grow from an area as close to its light source as possible.
From observing your pic, your plant has stretched all the way up that solid black opaque pot you have it in, to get to the light. :-|The top of your plant looks awesome .:mrgreen:
If I were you, I would transplant it, (when it is in its night cycle or just before) and put it either in a better pot or at least so that you have more soil underneath that thing so that it's roots can grow as well. Eventually you will have to transplant but I would do it NOW!!!!
Number one you have some time before flowering.

Second, that pot is filled wayy to low with soil, not allowing maximum light to all your plants nodes.

Third, it looks like it has stretched quite a bit lower the lights, and what type of ventilation are you giving that baby?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the exact same thing and was wondering if anyone was going to mention that.
You want your plant to grow from an area as close to its light source as possible.
From observing your pic, your plant has stretched all the way up that solid black opaque pot you have it in, to get to the light. :-|The top of your plant looks awesome .:mrgreen:
If I were you, I would transplant it, (when it is in its night cycle or just before) and put it either in a better pot or at least so that you have more soil underneath that thing so that it's roots can grow as well. Eventually you will have to transplant but I would do it NOW!!!!
Yes this would be a good idea, fill the new pot with soil even if it covers much or at least half of the gown stem, this will strengthen the top part which is what you want because no development is taking place on the long empty part of your bottom stem. It will divert most to all growth towards the top which will decrease veg time, which otherwise would be slow do to the fact that the stem it so stretched.