Flowering for a plant that snapped in half

As you will see in the pictures my plant snapped in half. My light fell on it about 1-2 weeks ago now. I was wondering if it was still going to be ok and some people mentioned to tie down the branches now and let new growth occur and i will have a bigger yield now.
Its been about 2 weeks now and here are the newest pictures of how she is doing, along with the old picture after her stem snapped.
When is it ok to begin the flower process? Should i let her veg some more and develop the colas a little more?
This is my first grow and i dont want this plant to suffer any more than it already has. Believe it or not i planted the seed in April and her growth was really stunted for a while because of the wrong conditions with lighting and soil.


Mr. Deisel

Major bummer dude. Sorry to hear. Looks good though. but yeah you basically lst'd it unintentionally haha. Should yeild a pretty good amount. prolly more like they told you. Being as was planted in April, You might as well induce it now into flowering. just hit them lights on 12/12.