Flowering Day 12 -- Hermie???


I'm pretty sure it is a hermaphrodite (well, female with male parts) but have never seen one before... or even a male for that matter. Just hoping to get a confirmation before I pull "it".




No room for quarantine, but do have a mother of it though. Should I put another clone through to see if it's genetic, or simply stress related...then toss the mum?


Well-Known Member
how important to you is this plant? do you have others going as well or are all your eggs in that one basket? If it is important (even if not, it never hurts to have the stuff all ready to go right away when you need it in case of emergencies.) to you their is a product that will kill male flowers and stop them from forming more-it cant undo a plant being pollinated sadly though. its called dutchmasters reverse and you need to use it with a product called dutchmasters saturater or penetrator(they are the same thing, for some reason they recently changed the name to saturater from penetrator).


Well-Known Member
how important to you is this plant? do you have others going as well or are all your eggs in that one basket? If it is important (even if not, it never hurts to have the stuff all ready to go right away when you need it in case of emergencies.) to you their is a product that will kill male flowers and stop them from forming more-it cant undo a plant being pollinated sadly though. its called dutchmasters reverse and you need to use it with a product called dutchmasters saturater or penetrator(they are the same thing, for some reason they recently changed the name to saturater from penetrator).
Lol I still have a bottle of "Saturator"..But anyway, darkdestruction had the best answer for you. If you want to save seed stock count on the Hermie trait to be passed along to much of the offspring..The plant is healthy and happy from what I can tell, and unless it's undergone severe stress of some kind before the onset of flowering you can count on it being genetic hermaphroditism.


It's not that important, just messin' around with some bagseed. I wanna maybe start breeding. Just wondering if this hermie's mother is worth keeping. It's a good phenotype, grows fast, shows early. Anyway, like I said, just wondering if it's worth keeping...?


Lol I still have a bottle of "Saturator"..But anyway, darkdestruction had the best answer for you. If you want to save seed stock count on the Hermie trait to be passed along to much of the offspring..The plant is healthy and happy from what I can tell, and unless it's undergone severe stress of some kind before the onset of flowering you can count on it being genetic hermaphroditism.
I hacked the shit out of it early, and kept hacking... had some heat issues during veg, some nute burn, etc,etc... It's like 10weeks old and only 2ft tall. lol


Well-Known Member
It's not that important, just messin' around with some bagseed. I wanna maybe start breeding. Just wondering if this hermie's mother is worth keeping. It's a good phenotype, grows fast, shows early. Anyway, like I said, just wondering if it's worth keeping...?
Like I said, if the plant is otherwise healthy the evidence of both female and male sex this early into flowering is a pretty good indicator that this is genetic hermaphrodtism not brought on by you. IOW : This is a fairly clear sign that the traits are in the plant's genes and will be passed on to further generations. Especially if it pollenates it's self. So no, probably not worth saving unless you want to weed through hermies to find the golden egg. I agree, great traits, but not worth it.


Thanks guys... I'll probably do what darkdestruction420 said and run a few more clones through. I still might hold on to the mother and maybe cross it with a true female down the road. But like you said HowzerMD, I know I'll be searching for a 'golden egg,' but no matter what I do to this plant, it just keeps bouncing back. It's almost comical!

Happy New Years everyone!