Flower or bud or both


Active Member
i have reached the hieght limit for my aerogarden. i need to know how to produce flowering or buds or are they the same??? do i pinch off the top, cut back the lighting? and where do you pinch them at?


Uses the Rollitup profile
You need to give them 12 hours of uninterupted darkness each night, this will induce flowering. In the next 3 weeks they will double in height.

HTH :mrgreen:


New Member
If you've reached the height limit with the vegging plants, you're gonna be in trouble. I'd suggest that you top the plants, take all of your cuttings, then let the plants veg for another couple of days, then turn your lights back to 12/12.



New Member
The plants are going to at least double in height during the flowering process, so cut them back accordingly. To explain how to take cuttings is way too complicated for a single post. I suggest that you use the search engine to find how-to's on cloning.



Active Member
u do know that u can still smoke those and get high but be for warned it sucks and u might get a head ache... like when u smoke stems


New Member
thats a male... better luck next time... i sugesst get more than one plants.. so then you arnt thinking every minute of the day.. i hope its a female.