Flower Flooding Question

After vegging under a 1000w MH for about 6 weeks we just flipped the switch to 12-12. Previously, we had the lights on 18-6 and were flooding 4 times per day, every 6 hours. We are still on the same flood schedule and the girls all seem very happy, but aren't you NOT supposed to flood at night? Should we cut back to 3 feedings every 4 hours only in daylight, or does it matter?


Active Member
There's no real reason to flood at night given regular humidty/temperature in the room. But I don't think there's a serious reason not to if you don't want to bother reprogramming the timers.


Thats what I am on, flood at lights on (or 5-10 minutes of), 3 more times (ie every 4 hours), with the last flood just before lights off (I have mine at 30 minutes b4 lights off. No flood at night. 8:00am, 12:00am, 4:00pm, 7:30pm, thats what I am using. I have always wondered if the start flower water flood cycle should start out with 2-3 floods, then work up to 6 floods/day during final weeks flower...Thats a pita though with the timers...


Well-Known Member
if you can make more flood/drain cycles, you will be feeding the roots with more fresh O2. i do it 6x when lights on