Floor ideas?


Well-Known Member
Are you worried about soil runoff staining the flooring, and you need a type of filter/flooring. Or are you trying to make it water tight?


Active Member
right now i have just a plastic sheet down on a wood floor... was looking for a tub or planter but they are so damned expensive it just isn't worth it... i mean $80+ for a plastic tub... what a rip.. interested to see what input others have


Well-Known Member
I went for sound proofing and completely water tight. I lined the edges of my room(s) with 2x10 lumber and laid down a pond liner from Lowes. Then I bought a sheet of exterior home sheathing and cut it to size to fit the floor - it's covered in reflective material on both sides and is one inch thick styrofoam. Looks like this...

The pond liner will contain any flooding - don't ask me how I know ;) and the styro sheet dampens sound if you live in an apartment building. This setup works like a charm!


High Everyone, sorry it has taken me so long to share what I have done with the growroom floor. It seems that it will work very well. So the pond liner idea I thought was great. The only concern was that since I do soil and buckets, dragging the buckets on the Styrofoam would tear it up enough that water would be able to seep in again. Pond liners are tough and puncture resistant but, I still felt that safest thing for all was to cover the pond liner somehow. so what I ended up doing was after the pond liner was stapled to the wall ,I coved the pond liner with a piece of plastic lattice from Home Depo. The buckets slide around fine and if they do leak the water will end up in pond liner and I can take the shopvac and vacuum it up. For my 14x 10 rooms, the whole floor, was under $200 to complete. I'll keep you posted and let you know if it works or not.

Again, thanks everyone for all your ideas and taking the time to respond!