Flood and Drain 2x1000w, 6x Purple Haze, 2x Orange Blossom, 3x Sour Diesel, 1x PermaF


Well-Known Member
just stay away from rock wool period. i find that besides a cloning medium, it is a really poor medium and requires a bit more maitenence then i would like.

Lt. Dan

Well-Known Member
I'm liking the setup and the mancave...... OH!, I love the pic with those HUGE blocks in the bathtub............Priceless!

I'm in my first grow and am using the 4x4x4 blocks....... next grow I'll be using the 6x6x6.

Good luck with your grow,


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice and the rep! Same goes for your grow room! I think next time I will either use rockwool slabs or the 6” cubes not sure yet. I hastily bought my rockwool without much research and buy time I figured out what I wanted to do it was too late. I figure I spent the money on them I might as well use em. What’s the worst that could happen right…..:(
you are right man what is the worst that could happen and if you got em use em no sense in wasting money lol.


Well-Known Member
I just turned down the about of air I suck out of the room to raise the humidity and I will cut back to one flood a day. What do you mean by spray them with “plain RO”, sorry for my noobishness but I haven’t heard that before.
my bad; RO is reverse osmosis water, ideally 00.0 ppm, completely devoid of anything.


Well-Known Member
no sweat. and after looking some more I definitely think you were over watering. let those blocks get some air down there & you should see improvement. and next go round, i wouldn't rinse the dirt off the clones; just plop the whole dirtwad in the hole in the cube, alot less traumatic to new roots. if you're rockin GH nutes I strongly suggest you add Hygrozyme to your regimen; you won't be bummed. makes all the GH stuff super available & saves plant energy.


Well-Known Member
Nice setup bro! You should give yourself a high five! Great advice above. When transplant I use Superthrieve or b-1. Helps prevent the shock factor. But I use soillless med. for flowering. only on first watering. It's helped 99%.And Roots Excel, by H&G is the bomb, I agree. Peace & Happy growing.+reps



Thanks for all the advice that people have been giving me, it is great to hear from other growers. I am beginning to get the feeling that no one likes rockwool! So depending on how this grow goes I may or may not switch mediums for the next grow. For now I am stuck with the stuff so any advice on how to make it all go as smooth as possible would be great.
As of now here is the situation (not Jersey Shore d-bag)
I am flooding once a day
The pH had gone up over night to 6.5 so I added a little pH down to make it 5.4
The PPM is at 500
Room temp is 79.9, canopy temp is 82.6, water temp is 75
Humidity is 58%
Plants still seem a little droopy but I am hoping the will snap out of it in a few days. I will also be going to buy block covers today at some point as well as some root nutes as some people have suggested. (Thanks again).
NW for life

Also there is a pic of my vicious attack/guard puppy!


Active Member
Why not looking into Al B's setup? I mean ... its RIU baby and he is the man for SOG ....

his op is very similar to yours ... 2 x 1000w with flood and drain
He does it with cloning, on four tables in a perpetual rotation every 2 weeks for 8 week flowering all together, planted in deep 17,5 cm containers and pulls off 4 lbs per grow cycle ...

He is slightly above the "1g per Watt"-efficiency ....

I think anything bigger must be grown in a vertical/collosseum or on big trees in bio buckets (Under Current Hydro-System) because of maintainance ...

Al B rulez!



Why not looking into Al B's setup? I mean ... its RIU baby and he is the man for SOG ....

his op is very similar to yours ... 2 x 1000w with flood and drain
He does it with cloning, on four tables in a perpetual rotation every 2 weeks for 8 week flowering all together, planted in deep 17,5 cm containers and pulls off 4 lbs per grow cycle ...

He is slightly above the "1g per Watt"-efficiency ....

I think anything bigger must be grown in a vertical/collosseum or on big trees in bio buckets (Under Current Hydro-System) because of maintainance ...

Al B rulez!


If you could give me a link to one of his grows that would be awesome! I am always open to learning new ways to go about things. I tried to search for him but didn’t it.
Also I am limited to the number of plants I can have, my wife and I are both medical marijuana patents in Washington State and are limited to 15 plants each so realistically we can have 12-14 in the tables and 12-14 clones at any one time. I don’t think it is quite enough for SOG growing but the ScOG method might be better. Again I am by no means an expert so my info may be wrong.
Thanks for the input! Keep it coming. (that’s what she said)


Active Member
Edit: trying to improve user experience...

Link posted already by Lt. Dan.

But here is additinally Al B's FAQt: https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/94811-al-b-faqt.html

There is a lot to learn from Al B's postings about hydro, plants growth, attitude/analysis, etc .... even if you dont/cant copy his setup.

--- snip:

Right, a limited number wont allow proper SOG - except for micro grows (see links below).

If efficiency at given, limited plant number is your aim:
Look into "Under Current Hydroponic Systems" and try to get the most out of big trees then... harvest can go up to 2 LBS per tree .... certainly with a hell-of-vertical-wattage ... Over on THCfarmer there are a lot of peeps doing UC Hydro ... look for a tutorial done by Texas Kid ... they even cultivate "good bacteria" and fish inside the rez to keep it PH-balanced and also to generate "nutriants" autonomically.... plants seem to love it and its a system low on maintainance (compared to SOG).

Why not building up a smaller UC with 5 buckets
with heavy trees around your 2 1k-lamps, hung vertically, and try to go after "2 gramm per Watt" like those collosseum growers ... and double or triple the setup if you are successfull :-)

>> Link to UC Hydro tutorial here

If quality, costs and flexibility are your aims:

If you only grow for yourselfes, then I would recommend a smart and easy maintainance stealth cabinet with lower wattage for lights (max. 2x400W). It will deliver enough yield for your private medical consumption and also will offer flexibility for different strains at a time ... PLUS: the cabinet could be placed inside your appartment without occupying the whole bathroom and no need telling all your friends what you are doing... ;-)

>> Link to excellent elegant stealth cabinet
>> Link to very efficient SOG-minigrow cabinet (free rider style :-))




Active Member
Ohhh and another thing: ever thought of putting 2 or 3 plants into the same 1-squarefoot-pott so they look like "one giant plant"???

I dont know how smart DEA is, but done properly with a ScroG (Screen of Green) ... who knows^^.... big yield, no problem!


edit: I am an european kid, so never mind some naivity for the DEA :-)


Active Member
Subbed for this one, nice set up bro very nice and clean I plan on doing one 3x4 table with 1000w so I ll b tuned in to so I can learn with u as u go but keep up the good work bro..



So I came into the room this morning and the girls aren’t looking to hot. Not sure what is wrong or what I should at this point. Any Ideas, thoughts.
I do have a backup plan witch is some fem-blueberry seeds I got from Dutch Passion.
Are the girls savable?


Well-Known Member
man that sucks bro im telling you though the main thing looks like over watering. tell me if you pick up one of those blocks right before the water kicks on is it heavy as hell? if so i would stop watering till they start to feel lighter those massive blocks will hold water for days.