Floating, flinging, hopping larvae?

I have no idea what the fuck thsese things are but here goes...

I have 1 soil plant in my grow room and i have a regular pot and saucer set up so xtra water collects on a tray the pot sits on. I noticed one day TONS of floating like flakes that literally look like 1 mili meter long as thick as a tiny thin hair HUNDREDS of these things. If they werent moving i would say they were tiny little flakes of wood or slivers but again these things are TINY TINY TINY. I never would have noticed if i just didnt stop to take the time to look. They toss and turn in the water but when i pull some out and put them on dry anything they toss and bounce and hop around but they are SOOO SMALL not mosquito larvae nothing looks like what bart would look like if you shaved little xtra tiny amounts off with like sand paper or something ...really truely bazarr!

no! i looked into that so far with my research this is not a "common" pest. I am seriously stumped lol i almost want to say sea monkeys but i def think they leached out of the soil but i def killed off a huge level of them its like LICE its like fleas! but they are too small for fleas lice? why would there be lice!??!! AHHH!!#indoordoedoeproblems
do they bounce around when removed from water? they remsemble the movements of those little bugs we see hoping around in grass but no where NEAR that big i dont even think squishing them between your fingers would kill them You would really need a microscope to see what they are but they are big enough to show movement and id say predominantly they are dark colord but maybe these are really young larvae but again they MOVE they BOUNCE


Well-Known Member
Hop hop hoppity...fungus gnats have colonized in your soil.

Try Bti soil drench next time you water...otherwise known as crushed mosquito dunks sold at home supply centers.
NOOOOOOOOOO! so its fungus gnats ima kill these mother fuckers! there were sooo many! fuck miricle grow!!! shoulda treated that shit...love my Botatnicare moisture control ReadyGro ....eff miricle grow eff it


Do what Sunbiz says, works great!
Bonide deadbug dilluted on the top-soil helped a lot with whatever ones actually matured also.


Well-Known Member
If they jump they're probably springtails.

Most springtails are detrivorous feeders.

Fungus gnats have a larval stage that resembles a clear worm with a black head.

spring tail makes more sense these things were tiny...no meat on them like normal larvae and they seemed to not like NOT being in water lol