Flipping to 12/12


Well-Known Member
My girls are about 24" tall now and I'M getting ready to flip them to 12/12 .I have a 1000W HPS now and I have trimmed every branch
nice and tight and lollypop the bottem .Never did this befor but they say all that popcorn shit just takes away from the buds on top, Anyone done this before.And do I just kept clipping that shit off all the way though budding? Usually takes about 8 to 9 weeks.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I just trim the lower branches right off. any thing you know will be popcorn . and I pinch each stem about 3 inches from the top . until I feel a slight pop . super cropping. the plant will make huge buds after this. I have read into loll popin its not for me .


Well-Known Member
When lollipopping your girls, you DO continuously keep trimming the bottom branches if they try to come back. But once I did mine, they never really tried to come back much.