flipping to 12/12


Active Member
hey folks,
a quick question on introducing plants to the 12/12 cycle,
i am growing blue cheese,
they have had 4 week in veg in a 1.2x1.2x2m tent with a 600w hps,
the plants are nearing to 3 ft in height and think this is more than adequate as they are also quite bushy, and have read they can double in height.
my cycle upto this point has been 20/4.
i have been told/read that its best to give the plant 24 hours darkness to speed up the flowering process,
i usually feed when light comes on ie the plants "morning"
so, should i feed the plant then just submerge t back into darkness or let it miss a feed?

also sorry for the lengthy post.


Well-Known Member
Personally i have done both.

I gave my first grow 36hours darkness before switching to 12/12 and this time i have not given them any darkness just switched to 12/12 i havent seen any difference in how they react it still takes about the same time to get them to show sex.

I would personally switch your timer to 12/12 making sure that you keep lights on at the same time and give them the feed you had scheduled.



Active Member
thanks for the quick response.

would it be possible (because of work commitments),
to switch off light at 7am to return on at 7pm as i dont like to rely too much on timers, and apply the feed then?


Well-Known Member
shouldnt be too much of a problem.

Why dont you like timers?

I run a horticultural lighting contactor/relay that my timers plug into. This way your timers never fail.



Well-Known Member
also make sure that they are definately getting 12 hours of darkness.

even if you make it 12and a half hours just to be sure.

thats why i like timers. 12 hours off is 12 hours off.



Active Member
i too have a 1kw one way contactor, but have read many stories of them breaking/failing.
and as this is my first attempt i didnt want anything to go wrong i have already overcome heat stress.
i already have my pistils and know these are females as they are from cuttings,
btw +rep for the assistance,

BakkaLakka SMASH

Active Member
hmm man i think u should get a 10$ timer just to be safe. Mine hasnt failed yet so maybe yours shouldnt neither i donno. 12 hr on 12 off is best dont ever wanna go over.


Active Member
ok timer is set to go off at 6.45 am and to return at 6.45 pm just so as i can keep an eye that they do infact go off and on,
just until i have built a lil confidence in them.
thanks for the help it really does mean a lot to us noobs, you pro's prolly dont get to hear it much but we do appreciate the effort you put in for us.
ps jondamon gonna pop over to that thread for a read, will leave comments questions if is ok,
thanks again.


Well-Known Member
ask as many questions as you like .

and just so that you know i am only on my 3rd grow but i am a research whore. lol

Doubt you will have any questions if you read everything fully in my thread as i try to explain everything as best i can,

I still class myself as a noob nowhere near a pro yet. Ask me again in 10yrs and i'll probably say the same thing lol.



Active Member
the contactor i use has to mains plugs. one plugs in to the outlet and one plugs into the timer that plugs into the outlet,
the design is so that when the timer kicks in there isnt a large surge running through the timer and thus extends the life of the timer.