Flaming Pie's Bakery

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Toppdressed the girls with 1/3 cup garden tone and a cup of ewc.

Not sure if the potassium and calcium deficiency is from using the Epsom salts or if the garden tone doesn't have enough potassium and calcium to see it to harvest.

I need to look up a long term release of potassium.

I would of thought that the azomite would of been enough calcium.

Either way, organic top dressing certainly can't hurt.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Then it could also be that due to stress from underwatering. They didn't droop but the soil was very very dry.

Hopefully the top dressing will help.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of adding some limestone too, but I have no idea what to add for a steady long term calcium release.