yea def dont put in any nutrients! as the soil as plenty! You also may want to think about adding some more perlite to the next batch of soil. I like to fill a 3 gal short bucket with perlite, dump it in my mixing bucket then fill it back up with dirt. (depending on how many your planting or transplanting) this can help for many different reasons, allowing proper aircirulation in your roots, you can water more often and help drain away some of those excess nutes when your babies and under attack or prehaps an accident. along with a better air/dirt ratio and allowing your plant to better absorb the water and nutes in the first place is always a good place to start. Avoiding over-watering is much much easier, and that pans out other problems like root-rot too by allowing your plants to fully absorb all the water you put in and dry out quicker.
I understand im a little of topic at ths point but
if you put 8 cups of water into that little plant and did so in an even smaller container, you can see where im going with it. the pic is kinda unclear to the size of the container.
Hows the drainage of the watering? do you put enough water in to see it drain out the bottom? overwatering with the combination of new soil and poor drainage can cause those salts to build up affecting your very young roots. like i said above, adding different elements to you soil before you plant/transplant can dilute the strength of the soil and add other advantages.