First Timer: Pics inside


Active Member
Just thought id see what you guys thought, four weeks old and using nutes every other day. how do they look?



Well-Known Member
They look fine, perhaps a tad small for a month. What kind of veg lighting are you using?


Well-Known Member
looks to wet and nutes to often. if you nute every second day that should meen that you water it every day? cant just keep feeding nutes it will lock up and burn. you need to let it dry up between waterings and should only nute every second or third watering more like once a week or so they are to small yet to force em. thats just going by your pic`s


Active Member
soils not really wet although i am watering every day and wih nutes every other watering at half strenght. using all coco grow medium


Well-Known Member
thats coco. i thought that was a liter colour. that sure looks like top soil. haven`t grown in it but if the watering schedule is anything like soil or close to it you are watering way to much. they need to completely dry up each time and if you water them enough each time you should get a small bit of run off each time then it should take a few days to dry up. but like i said coco may be different


Well-Known Member
looks good to me, ours were about the height and we started flowering and they're doing great! good luck to you, just keep doing what your doing.


Active Member
yes its coco, bought it from the ponics store for like $22. just watered that might havesomething to do withthe look do the plants themselveslook over watered or just saying that from what the soil looks like?


Well-Known Member
just going by the wet look of it. it still looks like soil on top? ya the plants dont look over watered. just seems like alot of watering but hey i geusse thats coco.


Well-Known Member
Whats crakin scud? Looks good man. He might be saying with the nutes because the leaves are curled just a bit. Nothing to worry about maybe you might want to back off just a hair. I nute the hell out of mine. Start out nuting seedlings...weed out the week seeds that can't take the heat. By the time I'm at your size I'm at 1100ppm and in flowering around 1600ppm. Great Job though! Oh yeah make sure you coco dry out all the way.

Check out my Grow Journal


Active Member
thanks for all the help, i went ahead and went to 12/12 tonight, when should i back off with the vegging nutes and start using my big bloom stuff i got?


Well-Known Member
should have a transitional phase feed schedule on there some were. your using fox farm? if so i have a feeing schedule if ya like.


Well-Known Member
see if this helps. i have never used this stuff but i know this guys work i he is quite the grower, i stand behind anything he posts.


Ionics has made their nutes pretty darned simple to use!
With no mixing needed... same schedule for weekly OR phasic feeding.

Also Suggested:

From 3-leaf stage to day 1 of 12/12: Feed Weekly Using 4 tsp per Gallon of IONIC GROW.
It is also recomended (but not nessisary) to also add 2TB nitrozyme and 4tsp Fossil Fuel.

Phasic--same amounts per gallon, once when you fill reservoir, and as needed (not more than 1x weekly) when you re-fill the rez.!

From day 1 of 12/12: feed weekly using 4tsp per Gallon of IONIC BLOOM.
It is also recomended, but not a nessesity, to also add 2TB nitrozyme and 4tsp Fossil Fuel.

Phasic: Day one of 12/12- dump & refill reservoir using same amount
per gallon.. and these amounts when re-filling the rez (not more than
1x a week)

Week 5 of bloom (5 weeks after they actually SHOW): Add 3/4 tsp per gallon of IONIC Boost WITH the 4tsp per gallon of IONIC Bloom.
It is also recomended to also add 2TB nitrozyme and 4tsp Fossil Fuel.

Phasic: Week 5 of Bloom add 3/4 tsp per gallon of IONIC BOOST to
the reservoir ....and these amounts when re-filling the rez (not more
than 1x a week)

FOLIAR FEEDING: IONIC recomends using 1/2 tsp per quart of EACH:
NITROZYME + FOSSIL FUEL in addition to 1/2 tsp of IONIC GROW or IONIC BLOOM as a foliar spray every week


These Suppliments can be added to the above schedules as follows:

"ROOT"= 3/4tsp per gallon in water from time seed planted until has 3
sets of leaves

"GROWTH"= 3/4tsp Per Gallon to All GROW feedings

"BLOOM"= 3/4 tsp per Gallon to all Bloom feedings

Source : Smokin Moose