First Timer Needs Help!

hi all, ive just planted my first ever grow.i dont know what light i should be using.ive got a grow lux 400w and a fluresent tube 40w.can some1 plz tell me what light to use first and for how many hours i should be using it per day...please help me:sad:


Well-Known Member
Def. Use your 40w flors for you first week or so or atleast till your plant in about 2"inches high. Then you will want to switch to your 400w.The light cycle can very from grower to grower when it comes to young sprouts, some say 24hours of light for the frist week maybe two, will kick start a fast grow, then you will switch to 16hr on 8hr of good darkness...I stay with 16-8 light cycle all the way up till flowering which you will halft to go to 12hr on 12hrs off, that cycle will induce flowering..


Active Member
Couple of questions 1 how many are you growing 2 when you say that you have just planted are you saying that you have just put your seeds in their pots