First Timer! Is this good Weed?


Active Member
Hey i'm new here, an i'm smoking weed the first time this weekend! Anyway, i got some from my friend. Since i am brand new to weed, i don't know whats good and what's not. I'm also posting so that if this is bad, i can get some better stuff tomarrow.

I took 2 Macro pictures of the stuff i got. He said it was de-twigged and de-seeded. There is a slight smell of skunk and it is quite dry. Here are the pictures, i would really appreciate you guys helping me out. Thanks!


Morning Star

Active Member
that is some straight up dirt weed dude. stay away from the brown shit and get familiar with the green. you want weed that is nice and dense, kinda sticky and hella stanky. don't get me wrong that weed will definately get you high but it's not good. how much did you pay for that btw?


Active Member
De-stemmed, de-seeded, D D DIRT.

:-) have fun with it though, you probably won't need much more than that.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure about you guys but when I was looking at the pictures I was thinking "Is that even weed?". It looks like bark you get out of potting soil. Well all I can say is... Imagine what it looked like when it had stems.


Well-Known Member
damn that looks just like what I got, maybe a little better. did you get it from some crack head too?
I was just sorting it earlier, and you gotta wonder does someone go out of thier way to grow such a fucked up crop, tiny tiny little pre seeds that you can barely see in the crap, I wonder what a female plant would look like?

Looks like some Schwagg at its finnest, find another dealer bro
yea man its just that simple, the guys carrying better stuff are just loitering outside denny's waving you down to sell to you:roll:

this what happens when you don't know people.
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Well-Known Member
it looks like ground up mexican brick weed look at the home page under pics for what good weed (cronic) looks like


New Member
That shit looks Krypp!!! MMm... i can smell it through my moniter,, these dudes r just fuckin with ya.

The shit with the most stems and seeds, thats all lose and shakey gets you the most fucked up! Nice find!


Active Member
dirt at it's finest!

i remember buying shit like that in high school.

i suggest rollling it up in a blunt and smokin it to the face!



Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's no friend buddy, friends don't let friends smoke bammer. So, go ahead and roll a lil blunt and blow that away. Then tell whoever sold you that bullshit to step his game up, and stop insulting you with that low grade smoke. Ya dig. Ask for a refund right after that. LMAO!!


Well-Known Member
defiantly commercial swag!! means its not so good... but that in your case is alright.. It being your first time it will probably get you high as hell, so fire the shit up and enjoy but remember there is so much better for you to get in the future!! Enjoy the ride!!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member

OMFG.... this thread is so funny.... I've been laughing for 5 minutes straight! My sides hurt and I almost peed my panties! You all are hysterical!!

I agree.... that's some shitty weed... but we all started somewhere.... go ahead and smoke it... just know... that's not even in the same realm as good weed.
