First Timer CFL Bagseed Grow...

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
Hi all! This is my first attempt at growing. As the title states this is a bagseed/CFL grow. The seeds were germinated using the paper towel method. Out of 3 seeds only one cracked and produced a root tail. On 8/7/08 the seed was planted in a small plastic pot with Scott’s potting soil. Two days later (8/9/08 ) the seedling sprouted. Currently my plant is under two 23w 6500k CFL’s on a 18/6 cycle. Since this is my first attempt at growing, I do not have any kind of elaborate setup or a growbox (;-)yet!;-)) so I am getting by with a small indoor greenhouse. The lights that I am using have reflectors on them so I am not concerned with painting the walls white or applying Mylar on them at this point in time. There is a small 7 inch clip-on fan blowing a light breeze on “her” (finger’s crossed!!!) and the lights to help maintain the temperature. So far things are looking pretty good as it is now 9 days old and I am pretty pleased with the progress made; however I am open to any questions or comments and greatly appreciative to any suggestions that could further help me in my journey. Thanks! :D

Picture Info:

Picture 1 - Day 1 Top View
Picture 2 - Day 4 Side View
Picture 3 - Day 6 Top View
Picture 4 - Day 8 Top View
Picture 5 - Day 9 Top View
Picture 6 - Day 9 Side View


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Hi all! This is my first attempt at growing. As the title states this is a bagseed/CFL grow. The seeds were germinated using the paper towel method. Out of 3 seeds only one cracked and produced a root tail. On 8/7/08 the seed was planted in a small plastic pot with Scott’s potting soil. Two days later (8/9/08 ) the seedling sprouted. Currently my plant is under two 23w 6500k CFL’s on a 18/6 cycle. Since this is my first attempt at growing, I do not have any kind of elaborate setup or a growbox (;-)yet!;-)) so I am getting by with a small indoor greenhouse. The lights that I am using have reflectors on them so I am not concerned with painting the walls white or applying Mylar on them at this point in time. There is a small 7 inch clip-on fan blowing a light breeze on “her” (finger’s crossed!!!) and the lights to help maintain the temperature. So far things are looking pretty good as it is now 9 days old and I am pretty pleased with the progress made; however I am open to any questions or comments and greatly appreciative to any suggestions that could further help me in my journey. Thanks! :D

Picture Info:

Picture 1 - Day 1 Top View
Picture 2 - Day 4 Side View
Picture 3 - Day 6 Top View
Picture 4 - Day 8 Top View
Picture 5 - Day 9 Top View
Picture 6 - Day 9 Side View
Looking good man. I got some Blueberry going, day 8 and they look about the same!!!
How many lights do you have in all? And what is the N-P-K of the soil?

:peace: ~~TLB


Well-Known Member
I did a CFL grow over the winter (was my first time as well). Ppl are gonna tell you is that CFLs aren't worth it, and after my complete grow...i'd have to agree. But since it's your first time, go ahead and have fun with them. You'll end up needing more than two bulbs though. I used 10 (most were 42 watters), and still didn't really have enough lighting. CFLs yield somewhat fluffy dry buds also (just letting you know what to expect), so if you want to grow some nice dense, commercial-quality bud then you'll want to invest in some HID lights.

Also, plant more than 1 seedling...if that thing's a male, you'll be pissed that you wasted your time. I started with 5 and got 2 females.


Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping by my grow, subscribing to this one looking forward to your results.

you'll be fine with your setup until about 3 weeks at which point you'll want to upgrade to either many more 23watters (like, 8 more) or those big CFL's you saw in my grow journal, or upgrade to HID lighting (which like in my case, may not be viable for you)

good luck, and keep the journal updated!

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
Looking good man. I got some Blueberry going, day 8 and they look about the same!!!
How many lights do you have in all? And what is the N-P-K of the soil?

:peace: ~~TLB
hey blazin thnx for stoppin by. right now there is 2 23w cfl's on the baby. the soil's npk is .07.01.05 ,not to much nutes but trying to water at a minimum so there is no burn.

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
I did a CFL grow over the winter (was my first time as well). Ppl are gonna tell you is that CFLs aren't worth it, and after my complete grow...i'd have to agree. But since it's your first time, go ahead and have fun with them. You'll end up needing more than two bulbs though. I used 10 (most were 42 watters), and still didn't really have enough lighting. CFLs yield somewhat fluffy dry buds also (just letting you know what to expect), so if you want to grow some nice dense, commercial-quality bud then you'll want to invest in some HID lights.

Also, plant more than 1 seedling...if that thing's a male, you'll be pissed that you wasted your time. I started with 5 and got 2 females.
thnx for posting weedcraft. yeah there will definately be more cfl's soon. for yeild, i'm to worried with what i get as long as i can keep it alive. i've been having trouble germinating more and the one's i have, never sprouted. there are 3 more seeds i'm trying now so i hope all will be fine. that's bagseed for

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping by my grow, subscribing to this one looking forward to your results.

you'll be fine with your setup until about 3 weeks at which point you'll want to upgrade to either many more 23watters (like, 8 more) or those big CFL's you saw in my grow journal, or upgrade to HID lighting (which like in my case, may not be viable for you)

good luck, and keep the journal updated!
thnx for posting mammal.yeah there will be more lights soon. probably 23 watters for this grow. nice to see your babies taking off. great job on the reflectors. when i get my growbox built, i plan on using cfl's for veg. and a small hps for flower if heat will alow me too. thnx man

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
hey blazin thnx for stoppin by. right now there is 2 23w cfl's on the baby. the soil's npk is .07.01.05 ,not to much nutes but trying to water at a minimum so there is no burn.

Sweet bro!! I think you can water like normal! Just be careful. Water like once every 4-5 days you'll be fine!! Just make sure you get some runoff and good drainage!!


:peace: ~~TLB


Well-Known Member
thnx for posting mammal.yeah there will be more lights soon. probably 23 watters for this grow. nice to see your babies taking off. great job on the reflectors. when i get my growbox built, i plan on using cfl's for veg. and a small hps for flower if heat will alow me too. thnx man
excellent, dont forget to show us your progress.

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
thnx for all the replies and great info. today is day 12 and progressing nicely. hasn't gotten any taller,around 2 1/2 inches,but getting bushy. the only thing i'm noticing is that the leaves are curling down and under which u can see a little in day 9 pic. i'm definately not overwatering, maybe underwatering. i'm watering every three days with little runoff that could be going down the side of the dry soil instead of through it. also temps are getting in the high 80's. should i take the reflectors off which retain heat and hangs lights around it. right now lights are about 4in away but reflectors are right on top. any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Cannibal things are looking good. Looks alot like my plants. You got my subscription.. Cant wait to see what happens...Props

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
thnx for all the replies and great info. today is day 12 and progressing nicely. hasn't gotten any taller,around 2 1/2 inches,but getting bushy. the only thing i'm noticing is that the leaves are curling down and under which u can see a little in day 9 pic. i'm definately not overwatering, maybe underwatering. i'm watering every three days with little runoff that could be going down the side of the dry soil instead of through it. also temps are getting in the high 80's. should i take the reflectors off which retain heat and hangs lights around it. right now lights are about 4in away but reflectors are right on top. any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah. do what you can to keep the temp down!

:peace: ~~TLB

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
another update. well i haven't watered in 3 days and this morning the plant was very droopy so i gave it a good watering. i also noticed that the tips of the leaves are browning. not sure if it from the lack of water or the heat being in the high 80's,or maybe both. i decided to take tthe reflectors off and add splitters. now there are 2 23w 6500k and 2 23w 5000k on it. hope the temps goes down now that it won't be trapped by the reflectors. any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. thnx

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
good news. after i watered today it perked up. the browning of the leaves has stopped. the temps came down some but still in the mid 80's. seems to enjoy the 2 new lights also. so for now all is good. new pics soon

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
good news. after i watered today it perked up. the browning of the leaves has stopped. the temps came down some but still in the mid 80's. seems to enjoy the 2 new lights also. so for now all is good. new pics soon

GOOD STUFF! How much did you water? And how much run off did you get?

:peace: ~~TLB

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
enough water to wet all 5he soil,not soaking wet. it had a little runoff so we're good. it perked up real nice. thnx fot the post blazin.
Sweet.....well i was leading to something else....pick it up and feel it. That is where you want it....if it feels empty its time to water!! Easy guide to keeping up! And as it gets bigger it drinks faster!!

:peace: ~~TLB

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
well plant is growing slowly. after the lack of water and a bit of browning on leaves, 2 biggest leaves which are half brown are bending straight up on 90º angle. i've adjusted lights and no change. all the other leaves are fine. the temps are in the low 80's. i was wondering if i should cut those 2 leaves off. any suggestions would be great. i'll have new pics tonight. thnx