first time

Lowercase b

Active Member
I have begun the process that is growing. I have read the FAQ and i think about every how to on here. Just going to try my hand at some regs before i try some fire. Thank everyone for everything. Any last minute advice from anyone is more than welcome. Wish me luck


Well-Known Member
sounds like what im doing, just an experimental grow with some bagseeds? if so the biggest piece of advice i can give BE PATIENT. ive done 4 grows now, best grow lasted 2 weeks :-( just give em as much light that u can provide. dont over water! ! ! and "listen" to the plants.. there is a sure sign for every deficiency in the plant as far as curling leaves, holes...wilting yellowing or even going GHOST WHITE ( yes that happened to me on my last grow i was DEVASTATED, that can happen if u provide WAY to much heat, best of luck, keep us posted