First time, Plants dying


So My plants were dying, turning yellow but the stems were still strong. I thought it was from being watered everyday, I quit that two weeks ago. Then I thought it was from miracle gro, I transplanted out of that to organic soil with no Nutrients about 3 days ago. The water I have been using is spring/purified bottled water from publix. The leaves on some of the bottom of the plants are almost completely yellow, and the tops are starting to get yellow spots. I have no idea what to do. They are one a variation of HPS/Fluorescent light. I usually have the HPS going but I do switch on the fluorescent here and there for 12 hours to save electricity. Please help me, dont want my babies to die.

If you need better pictures let me know


I'd check you ph levels and adjust them. While it could be some kind of nute deficiency, a lot of times that is a result of the ph being off in the first place. "Pure" water has a ph that is a bit high for growing (I do water grows, so it may be different for soil type stuff), so you may need to adjust your soil ph to appropriate levels, and then adjust your water after you've mixed nutes, but before you add it to the soil.


Active Member
PH brotha....get yourself a PH meter...takes all the guess work out.... you'll see the corellation between your PH fluctuations and the health of your plants..


Active Member
So My plants were dying, turning yellow but the stems were still strong. I thought it was from being watered everyday, I quit that two weeks ago. Then I thought it was from miracle gro, I transplanted out of that to organic soil with no Nutrients about 3 days ago. The water I have been using is spring/purified bottled water from publix. The leaves on some of the bottom of the plants are almost completely yellow, and the tops are starting to get yellow spots. I have no idea what to do. They are one a variation of HPS/Fluorescent light. I usually have the HPS going but I do switch on the fluorescent here and there for 12 hours to save electricity. Please help me, dont want my babies to die.

If you need better pictures let me know

Firstly don't panic! THose plants will survive OK but you need to get a handle on things now to stop it happening again.

1. Check the rooots. Carefully tip her out into your hand (stem between fingers) and have a look .... you will see immediately either warm/wet or too dry. Repot it into fresh clean soil, just as it comes from the bag is good, its just slightly moist. Dont water it in, just let the roots stretch into that clean soil and it will recover just fine.

2. Said above, get a PH kit of some sort, just a cheap manual test kit will do fine, I've used them the last 11 years :-)

3. Think in terms of a 'layer' of damage as the plant develops. You wont stop those damaged leafs browning and falling off now so don't worry about it, watch the new growth because thats your gauge for how the plant is doing. All growth across that imaginary new 'layer' should be green and healthy.

Hope this helps you in some way, get a feel for the pot weight when empty and after watering and this will help too. I think its just a watering regime problem but make sure not to overfeed, far too many grows messed up by doing that and they just dont need it.

Good luck.


should i continue with the water im using and buy some ph down? If not, what water should i use because my tap comes from a well with salts added so there will be a sulphur build up if I use that. Also, what else can I use to keep my Ph levels in check besides PH down? any household items?

also, im not using any nutes at all, should i be?
