First time, Outdoors, need critiquing and suggestions. New England


Hey guys, I'm new here. Great Information on here that I've read but I wanna make sure my plan looks ok and to make sure I've read and interpreted right.

My plan

Order 5 Feminized Short Rider seeds from Nirvana. Do you think 5 will be enough?

Then I'm going to use the technique where you wet the towel and put the seeds in for a day.

Then I'm gonna do dixi cups put the dirt/fertilizer in and water then the seed, push it down a little and cover it. In the video I saw this done the seeds werent used in the towel method though, Does this effect it?

From there I'm gonna let them grow a bit, then bring them to their outdoor spots, which are still being secretly scouted.

I'm going to do 2 plants in each spot. 5's a odd number but I'll prolly mess up some how =p.

Then I'm going to check back in 3-4 times a week. I'm going to bring my dog like were hiking then check on the plants

Should I use special water that contains plant nutrients and such or is regular water fine?

How big do you think this plant will get height wise? I chose this one because it said short and were just being extra safe with keeping them totally out of sight so an idea will help us with the final elimination of spots.

See anything wrong with my plan?

Is there a better seed i should get or are these ok?

I live in New England by the way and plan on starting the dixie cups/towel by next week.
1. Enough for what? be the next KingPin?, enough to keep soime for amonth or two, sure.

now that I read hte hwole thing
scrape the whole fucking idea.


money and marijuana do funny things to a friendship...not a goo didea to tell anyone even your own family about what and where.