First time outdoor grow


New Member
I want to do an outdoor grow but I am stuck trying to figure out what seeds to buy. I am leaning towards an autoflowering regular variety. I live in a subtropic region so it is warm most of the year. I want autoflowing because I cant really control the photo period, and I want regular seeds so I can clone them or let extras go to seed so I can have a sustainable plant population without buying more seed.

I am hoping for advice. Is autoflowing regular seed the best way to go? If so any suggestions on variety? Autoflowering regular seems to be quite rare.


Active Member
autoflower anything is pointless to clone. Gonna have to go with photo`s if you want to clone. If you get reg autos one may be a male and could pollinate for a seed supply...or you could use some CS or something


New Member
If I grow an photo period based plant outdoors what is the time frame like for that? If I plant it say march or April approximately when will it be ready for harvest? Seeds are pretty expensive, I just want my first time to be a success.


Active Member
when you plant doesn`t matter as much as when you hit the 12 hour of dark time of year. I know where I live by the time it`s dark for 12 hours were getting frost. If it were me, I`d use auto`s and try to use colloidal silver to pollinate a branch or two, then you`ll have seeds for ages.


New Member
Thanks cdnbudder I think i will go that route. I appreciate answering all the newbie questions. If I get a few varieties of autoflower is it okay to pollinate one variety with pollen from another variety? Is that a recipe for a disaster or will it be alright?


Active Member
no that's the recipe for groundbreaking shit! You never know what you`ll get crossing two but it`d be interesting for sure.