First time medicinal grower

High Everybody, Just a question if anyone is willing to help with an answer. I recently germinated my seeds. It's been 5 days now and they are already showing life and it looks like the next phase....STEP 2. This is where my question comes in (I NEED HELP). What do I do next with each one, transplanting and do I keep them inside under UV and fans or Natural Sunlight? Thank you and enjoy the day my fellow smokers!!!!:leaf:


Active Member
If you're medicinal and legal then transplant them to 1-3 gal pots then into the ground after your last frost, prepare the area first by digging up a 2-3ft hole in diameter and depth, replace half or all the soil with good soil or amend with compost and maybe some lime. Then op your babies in there and watch them for when they need water and such, you can top them or do some tie downs to bush it out.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
transplant them into some organic medium with little to no nutrients, or starter pellets so you don't burn the little seedlings in something hot like Fox Farms products
To JohnBaked, Wow! Lots of info. Thank you! Prob. dumb question, but with the 1-3 gal. pots isn't that to big with just the little cups I have with each little tiny plant coming out. And when I transplant from germination dome to pots should I water them and is there a suggested soil out there to use. Thanks again.


Active Member
If they're bigger when you transplant, you have some time to wait for risk of frost while growing them and they handle the transition better as well, I've put bigger plants outdoors in a shady area for a day then straight to full or mostly full sun without too much stress, but I'd still advise to let them get used to it a bit before in case your strain isn't as heat resistant or the climate is different etc.