First Time Hydro Water Culture Grow


Well-Known Member
i think yes ! the plants are really young and not mature enough!
True, but I've seen 12\12 from seedling. Didn't look all too bad. Would you suggest I put them back into veg now? And what I was sayin was I know that the plant wont show it's sex till it's ready right?


Well-Known Member
well they are preaty small and dun have enough branches to cut clones from.... dunno man, playing with the light cycles might cause hermies :|


Well-Known Member
ah knock on wood cheetah
Have you had problems with hermies?
I've grown three times and haven't, I know this isn't a lot but it seems to be doing alright. What do you think I should do from this point? Wont shun any suggestions.


Well-Known Member
*knockin on wood* nah i dun so far... dunno man.... id let them to gro and see wot will happen. they might took off and do some nice branching. u'll be good to cut parts from the plant fo no more than two weeks after they show signs of budding! IMO


Well-Known Member
IMO? Some kind of Pokemon?
And it seemed to have grown quite well the first 12 hours of darkness, I watched it get two new sets of leaves in within this time period. So we will see, thanks for the input. I wish there were more people watching, no doubt your helpful though. Grow on.


Well-Known Member
we are watching ... just hiding back in the shadows waiting to see how it works out for you flowering before they reach sexual maturity.
my only fear is that since it hasnt come to sexual maturity that it might freak out and think its not going to get a chance to reproduce and go hermie on you in a last ditch effort to get pollinated


Well-Known Member
IMO? Some kind of Pokemon?
And it seemed to have grown quite well the first 12 hours of darkness, I watched it get two new sets of leaves in within this time period. So we will see, thanks for the input. I wish there were more people watching, no doubt your helpful though. Grow on.
IMO = In My Opinion lol :joint: >>>>


Well-Known Member
lol, my bad
And hello Phinxter! Any relation to my friend Sphincter?
Before I only had feminized seeds and female clones so never had to worry about if male or female. So should I put it back into a veg light time? Or would that fuck with it even more to go hermie? And if anyone watching has had hermies what do you think caused that in your grow?


Well-Known Member
at this point its better to ride it out. swapping it back will only pro;ong the stress

and as for the nickname ... i picked it up about 20 years ago in highschool when my girlfriend at the time wanted to call me a sphincter / A**hole but all she could get out was "you are a Phinxter" and it stuck from then on


Well-Known Member
at this point its better to ride it out. swapping it back will only pro;ong the stress

and as for the nickname ... i picked it up about 20 years ago in highschool when my girlfriend at the time wanted to call me a sphincter / A**hole but all she could get out was "you are a Phinxter" and it stuck from then on
Hell of a nick name, at least she didn't try to call you urethra.


Well-Known Member
urethra LOL ... like tha south park episode that re-ran last night and kenny called cartman "vas deferens"
i was friggin dying laughing


Well-Known Member
urethra LOL ... like tha south park episode that re-ran last night and kenny called cartman "vas deferens"
i was friggin dying laughing
I just looked up what that meant, and fuckin aye man, I laughed too hard, it is hella late
"Function in ejaculation During ejaculation the smooth muscle in the walls of the ductus deferens or vas deferens contracts reflexively, thus propelling the sperm forward. This is also known as peristalsis. The sperm is transferred from the vas deferens into the urethra, collecting secretions from the male accessory sex glands such as the seminal vesicles, prostate gland and the bulbourethral glands, which form the bulk of semen."


Well-Known Member
damn guys i feel like im back in sex ed in middle school, good luck with the grow man...gonna keep checkin in on ya to see how it goes and suppose ya do cross a bubbilicious and white widow?? what ya gonna call it?


Well-Known Member
What about, Wubble bubble?
Any other suggestions
I really want to cross it with strawberry cough. Strawberry Bubblegum........