First Time Hydro Help


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know whether or not i should leave the pump/airstone on all the time or is there a good schedule to follow. If the system were a top feed dwc (waterfarm type) And if so does anyone know it. Thanks for your time
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Well-Known Member
I got dat system bra and i run it 24/7 i tried to put it on a schedule but im away to much so if you leave it on and keep da nute strength at a good level den you good. Will you be using da 3part series?
Also da plant will def dry out if you gon too long and forget to turn on. But if you got a good timer den do you just be careful.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I have 3 of the water farm systems. I run them for 15 minutes 3-4 times a day, with an air stone inside always running. The trouble with the waterfarms is that the root mass gets so huge at about weeks 6-8 that instead of 3 gallons of nuts in it, you will only have 1.5 gallons, so your PPMs will raise VERY FAST. Watch it. They drink a lot of water in those weeks. Best to lower the PPMS really low in those weeks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Do you think that scheduling it is the way to go? Cause i think the directions say 24/7 but that seems like over kill to me. Also did you add the air stone and when you say you run if 4 times a day is that split up over 24 hour or do u just run it in the light? Thanks for your help!
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Well-Known Member
Thanks fo your help though man, for real. I am just trying to get a set schedule that i can stick to and i cant seem to find any list of scheduling anywhere due to the fact there is soo many types of systems.


Well-Known Member
i feel you if you gon do da schedule try his method out and if it doesn't work fo you do longet feeding you'll get da hang of it. I'm going to be staring up my waterfarms and ecogrowers soon so you'll be able to see how i do.

I wish you da best of luck as I do with everyone even haters (not you)

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Run your system 24/7 for about the first 1-2 weeks. Until your roots are good and set. Then drop back to watering for 15 minutes every 6-8 hours. As for the air Stone. This AIR stone is not what keeps water flowing through the halo. This Air stone is to put air bubbles in the Nut Soup. That way it stays fresh and full of Oxygen and CO2.

This Systems are a real bitch in the final weeks. i never use mine anymore because of this.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
At About week 6-8 your root mass will be about the size of a soccer ball.
When it is this large it is impossible to lift your plant out of the nutrient soup with out damageing your roots.

Here is the way you fix this problem. Go to your Hydro store and buy (2) 1/2" gromets and nipples, a clean 5 gallon bucket, a 1/2" valve, about 5' of 1/2" hoseing. Drill the waterfarm bucket and the new bucket as close to the bottom as possible so your rubber grommet and nipple will fit there at the bottom of both buckets. now connect the hose to both nipples. Cut the hose somewhere in the middle or somewhere you find good. Put the valve there.

Now you fill the 5 gallon bucket with NUTS and water with the valve closed. When your Nuts are all mixed and PH'd, Open the valve and raise the 5 gallon bucket a little.. Walla.. Problem solved. Now you have increased your res size by 5 gallons. But you will still have trouble with the PPM of the nuts spiking each day..

BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
a bitch? Please share da light on this cause i aint had probs wit it yet but i've only grown med plants in there and planned to put my PPP Fem in there and Let it grow like hell.

Neva mind is see you answered it while i was typin. Good lookin bra.


Well-Known Member
Im kinda confused on exactly what to do. Basiclly I should create a seperate res for the waterfarmso that there is more room to grow? or to make the water changing easier? thanks again for your help, i really appriciate all of it!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You add the additional 5 gallon bucket to the system to make it easier to change out the nuts. At about week 6, if you do not do this, you will destroy most of your root ball.

When you need to drain out all your nuts, you just empty out the 5 gallon bucket, open the valve and raise the plant bucket about 12 inches. To mix nuts, you do not have to lift the plant and that root mass, you just open up the 5 gallon bucket, and your water and nuts, then open the valve and raise the 5 gallon bucket about 12 inches. You will figure it out. If you do not do this. You will your next crop for sure.


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much dangly that is very helpful. I am def going to do that. I shouldnt have to cut or damage the waterfarm should i? i should just be able to use the drain hose to connect it to the other bucket correct? Also one other thing. do u know if the waterfarm has an airstone as well as a water pump to bring water to the top because i feel like it could use an airstone. Thanks again for you time.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Mostly correct...

But the waterfarm does not come with an AIRSTONE.

And the AIRSTONE has nothing to do with feeding water to the plants. the airstone is only for keeping Air feeding to the water to keep it FRESH! No water movement, and air being fed to it, means stail water.. YUCK!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
do u suggest adding a an air stone to the bottom of water farm and what do u suggest for nutes. Is GH' basic line ok or are they a lower quality then another?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I allways put a airstone in both buckets. This keeps the water and nuts fresh and airated.

As for nutrients, right now I am useing Guanna Juice which is Organic, not to good for hydro really.Maybe try the Advanced Sensi Grow, or the General Hydroponic line of nutrients. Just ask your hydro store guy which one he thinks is best. They all work good.


Well-Known Member
do u suggest adding a an air stone to the bottom of water farm and what do u suggest for nutes. Is GH' basic line ok or are they a lower quality then another?
They work well bra.
I use avd sensi+2 and AN 3 part. I have the GH (you get them free with the water farm) 3 part and have used it in past grows it has been good to me.

You should try the free GH nutes bra, and if you dont feel they suit you well upgrade.

But I like AN nutes tho.