first time hydro 4wks flower'n curld leaves !please help!


can anybody tell me what may cause the leaves to curl like this, i though it was a combo of problems, heat and ph, so i made the adjustments accordingly, at that time only two sets of fan leaves had curl'd, that was five days ago, they have not died just got more curled and one more set of fan leaves curl'd just above those two, I noticed today, is there a cure or should i just trim off the curl'd leaves, the rest of her seems fine except some of the smaller leaves have started turning sort of a purplish color please any advice, hopefully some of you more experienced ganja guru's will pass some of your infinite wisdom my way.


MJ Crescendo

Well-Known Member
I do not have the infinite wisdom, but I can definitely see a stress on those leaves. If you have already ph'd your runoff and have that under control, then there is one less worry. How are temps doing? As far as my knowledge goes, when leaves are drooping like that they are gettin overwatered. As long as temps, pH, nutes, watering schedule are all in a good balance she should already be on the way to recovery. A few weeks into flowering it is natural for the nitrogen to be takin out of the fan leaves for the buds. Hopefully she will recover soon or this problem will get solved


I do not have the infinite wisdom, but I can definitely see a stress on those leaves. If you have already ph'd your runoff and have that under control, then there is one less worry. How are temps doing? As far as my knowledge goes, when leaves are drooping like that they are gettin overwatered. As long as temps, pH, nutes, watering schedule are all in a good balance she should already be on the way to recovery. A few weeks into flowering it is natural for the nitrogen to be takin out of the fan leaves for the buds. Hopefully she will recover soon or this problem will get solved
thank you for the insite, when she shooted her middle spike it climbed between the lights and i had to raise the ceiling but i did not raise the exhaust fan, I know stupid mistake but i repositioned the fan above the lights and its stays nice and cool again. as far as over watering im not sure cause the rest of her is seems fine except for the leaves gettin that purple color , but my res did almost go empty, last week about the same time i noticed the leaves so i quickly rinsed and refilled with fresh nutes and in my case ph down to 5.8 or so. thanks bro


Well-Known Member
Don't add any additional stress by cutting anything.
That could just snowball your problems.


Don't add any additional stress by cutting anything.
That could just snowball your problems.
thanks bro then i won't cut them, shity part is I just went and looked at her and the problem seems to slowly be gettin worse im gonna flush them tomorrow, does any one know how long i should flush b4 reintroducing nutes?


Well-Known Member
thanks bro then i won't cut them, shity part is I just went and looked at her and the problem seems to slowly be gettin worse im gonna flush them tomorrow, does any one know how long i should flush b4 reintroducing nutes?
3 times the amount of water as the
pot size. ie. 2 gallon pots, flush with 6 gallons and so on.
Ph the water, and runoff water to make sure it's
not too high or low too.


Active Member
You can re introduce nutes next day but I would recommend running a weak solution and over a 3 day span add more until you are at your desired ppm. I had the same problem and I just backed off my nutes and didnt even flush. Check the link in my profile and see what you think. Good luck


hey thanks jonny, after doin shit loads of reading I decided to empty my res and add 1/8 strength nutes of grow, to add some nitrogen, but im flushin. I think i had nute lock from all the stress I put her through. But now 24 hours later, im seeing slight sings of improvement, I'll snap some pics on tuesday and let yall know what happened. Thanks for all the input! can yall tell me how to give +rep, I cant find any info on it.


o.k. so the damage i did to her has stopped and she recovered nicely. I can see new growth in the bud sites and the sites are just starting to swell, so I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope i didn't mess up the yield to much. Oh yeah and out of my 4 plants that are 2 weeks flowering only one turned out to be female, shit at least I got one, right. here is a pic of one of the side branches 5 weeks flowering and a pic of my new girl at 2 weeks flowering, theirs more pics in my albums



Well-Known Member
i know that this was a while back but awwww they were so pretty. +rep (click on the star thingy in the tan strip under the avatar to give +rep)