First time harvest need help!


Well-Known Member
ok so i know you trim out the big leaves when you harvest but how do you know when your cutting to much? like i have about 1 cm long leaves on my biggest bud that has little white crystles on it and idk if i cut it or not


Well-Known Member
ok so i know you trim out the big leaves when you harvest but how do you know when your cutting to much? like i have about 1 cm long leaves on my biggest bud that has little white crystles on it and idk if i cut it or not
How much to trim off the buds is a personal decision. From what I have seen from pictures here at riu I like to leave a bit more sugar leaf than most. Your bud so its all up to you, trim all the fan leaves though.

good luck


Well-Known Member
I take all the fans off at the stem as close to the bud as I can, toss them.
Then take all the bud leaves off and set aside to dry (for later use) then after the buds have dryed for a few days I trim them up and take all those trimings along with bud leaf from harvest day and make some kick ass Butter.


Well-Known Member
I've just done one trim job so far, but I'm really happy with what came out of it. Mostly like GoldenGanja's method, 'cept I was really picky trimming the buds the first time around -- I like to get in there with a fine scissors and nip those bud leaves right at the bases. Check fdd2blk's harvest and cure thread at the top of that Forum... I basically just did what he said. I can see why --- I tried smoking a little of my smallest bud leaf in a joint. It was covered in trichs, but that leaf taste comes thru -- yuck.

I'm taking Subcool's advice (Organic thread) and drying my trim (leaves, that is) for one day, then freezing it for making hash later. I saw a cool alcohol extraction method for this; gonna check that out just for fun. Don't think I have enough trim to get too bent about what happens to it, so may as well.

